39 - A Shocking Surprise

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Finally! A POV!!!  But listen to the song above, okay? Okay.

Gulf POV

Slowly, I opened my eyes. I was suffocating, it was getting hard to breathe. It felt like my nervous system just dropped, the blood stopped flowing on my arteries. I heard beeps that follow people gathered around me. My vision was blurred, but I know there're doctors.

"Mew! My Mew! I... No..." I muttered loudly. I felt so scared, I didn't know what was happening. When my eyesight cleared, all I could see were unfamiliar faces.

A doctor stepped closer, and I tensed up. I thought he was going to hurt me, but he only held my hand. When other people hurried close to me, I shut my eyes from fear that they were going to do something. Adrenaline rushed inside me, and it did not stop.

Mew! I need Mew! He fell down the...

"Call his relatives, tell them he's awake" one doctor ordered the other, I couldn't comprehend what they were saying, but it was too loud.

Seconds pass, those other doctors left already. But I still feel like suffocating. I'm feeling frantic and I hated it. Not knowing what happened, I don't like it. Everything that I missed, I despise it.

"Gulf!" I heard someone call. I turned to where I could have heard it, but it came closer to me itself.

I saw Mew.

He's wiping away my tears, and embracing me with hugs and kisses. I was so confused.

"Mew? What are you- what are you doing here? Aren't you— didn't you fell off the hospital? I—I saw you... and I—" He suddenly hugged me, tightly. I stopped talking, and just listened to his heart throbbing.

At that moment, I just forget everything. I hugged him, our hearts beating the same speed. It was intense, but my mind calmed down when I know he was there. My husband was there. My Mew.

He slowly let go of me, and stared at my eyes. Like reminiscing my face.

"Mew, I—"

"Mew, I—"

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"Shh... I'm here, love. Baby, stop crying" He assured me with words, rubbing my back, embracing me. But I pushed him slowly,

I stared at his eyes, that tears blurred on. I'm feeling ecstatic, like fireworks spark inside me. It was so lively.

"My Mew..." I uttered, trembling with happiness.

He nodded, smiling like crazy. "That's me, I'm Mew. Baby, you remember me—"

"I love you" I cut his words. "My husband, my possessive lover, my bestfriend, my teacher, my pillow, my diary... my everything. I'm so sorry I couldn't say it back. My phone died"

Such a hush, somber wave of silence erupted. But nevertheless, Mew smiled. A smile that made me feel so crazy. It was genuine.

"I love you too. So, so much I could die" He replied breathlessly. He kissed me again, filling my cheeks with redness. But it feels so warm. His lips are so sweet. I missed him.

"P'Gulf!" I heard a smaller squeecky voice call for me. I turned my head towards the door, and saw Cassie. With my father, my step-mother, and Mild.

I plastered a wide smile across my face, I feel so happy. I couldn't say anything.

She jumped at me, but I groaned from the pain on my stomach. But before she could say anything, something struck in me.

"Phi, are you okay? I'm so sorry, hehe. I just missed you so much! Too much, I guess. But... I'm so thankful you woke up" What?

While they were celebrating, I wasn't on the same page. There was something that was quite bothering me.

"What happened?" I asked. They all looked at me like they were oblivious.

Cassie held my hand, and looked troubled. "Phi, are you okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"Um... did you have memory loss? Pa, could you call the doctors?" I looked at Mew with the same face as he is.

Then something cross my mind.

"Cassie, what time and date is it?" I asked her. Then she took her phone out and opened it.

"Um, 7:23 pm, October 14, 2017. Why, phi?" What the fuck!?

Shouldn't it be 2021? It was noon and August.

I felt Mew's hand on mine, and I look at him. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"Mew, what happened?"

"Gulf, what do you mean?"

"I ASKED WHAT HAPPENED!?" I feel him flinch when I yelled. I'm going crazy, am I?

"You were in a coman for 3 months after the surgery, Gulf. Remember? You donated blood on Cassie because she had a car accident. Don't tell me you had a memory loss because you clearly know me, Gulf..."

My heart stopped beating. My mind was blank. I was stiff, and couldn't move. I didn't know what was happening.

Was all that a dream?

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