Chapter 26

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Throughout the night, the company drank and ate their fill. The Master of the Lake, gave the dwarves their finest weapons and new clothes that were their size. My wounds began to grow worse overnight as well, to the point Thorin refused to leave me alone, always having one of the dwarves by my side.

I followed the others down to the docks, limping slowly as I carried some supplies with me before handing it over to Dori, who took it and placed it in the long boat. I was just about to climb in till Thorin grabbed a hold of my arm, pulling me back, away from the boat which gained Bilbo's and Kili's attention.

"Thorin?" I questioned, looking down at him confused.

"I want you to stay here." He stated, as he crossed his arms giving me a firm stare. "We must travel with speed, you will only slow us down." He added coldly as the others walked past him into the boat.

"What are you talking about? I'm coming with you, you need me." I say, trying to push past him only for him to stop me by wrapping an arm around my waist, keeping me in place.

Thorin let out a sigh, his hard gaze softening, "I thank you for everything you have done to this point. But we have no need for a peacekeeper. If you so wish to join us, join us when you are fully healed." He stated, as I looked at him in disbelief.

"I'll stay with her. My duty lies to the wounded." Oin stated as he climbed off the boat, walking to my side as Thorin stepped back, before taking place at the edge of the boat, seeming to make sure I wouldn't jump on.

"Uncle please, she's like this because of me. At least let her enter the mountain with us, to complete the journey with us." Kili begged, glancing over towards me as Oin sat me down on a barrel as I wavered on my feet.

"She came this far." Fili added, stepping up to his brother's side.

"Fili. Kili." Thorin spoke in a stern voice.

"We will carry her if we must." Kili added, determination leaking from his words as Fili crossed his arms.

"One day you both will understand. I cannot risk the fate of this quest for the sake of one girl." Thorin snapped, before climbing into the boat himself, ending the argument before it could escalate further. Fili and Kili exchanged a look before nodding, they both climbed out of the boat. Thorin reached out grabbing both of their arms. "Fili, Kili, don't be fools. You both belong with the company."

"We owe her our lives." Kili stated.

"It's only fair we help her." Fili finished, both of them snatching their arms out of their uncle's grip before walking over to me.

I looked at the both of them surprised, "W-What are you two doing? Shouldn't you be with the company?" I questioned, looking up at the two tiredly.

Kili shook his head, "I couldn't leave you like this knowing it was my fault."

"I can't leave my brother, he might end up pushing you into the water in some way." Fili stated with a shrug, causing Kili to send his older brother a glare.

"I would never do that!" He retorted, while Fili and I chuckled lightly. Then the horns sounded, quieting everyone as their attention turned towards the Master's home.

The Master of Laketown walked out of his house, smiling and waving at the people before looking at the company sitting in the longboat. "Go now with our good will." He stated as people began to cheer with a bright smile on their faces. "And may your return bring fortune for all!" He shouted above the cheers as they increased in volume while the company rowed out across the lake, weaving through the city.

"Did you miss the boat as well?" All four of us looked over to see Bofur, live and well, looking just a bit hungover, looking at us with a relieved smile, seeming happy he wasn't alone.

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