Chapter 24

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I wrapped the blanket closer to me as the children of Bard continued to pass their clothes to the dwarves, allowing them the ability to change into something dry. I lean my head back against the wall as I closed my eyes. Bilbo stood next to me, taking a piece of clothing from the eldest sibling, nodding to her saying, "Thank you."

"How are you doing?" Bilbo questioned, his eyes glancing over towards my wounds before looking back at me.

"I'm fine Bilbo, you don't need to worry about me." I answer, noticing the piece of clothing was a blanket, I wrapped it around myself keeping my arms and legs close to me. I hate the cold, one reason is because my nose starts running and it's like I can never escape it. Just like guilt, however guilt is necessary. My gaze traveled over towards Thorin who was looking out the window, his face slightly pale, causing my brows to furrow in confusion.

I stood up, Bilbo doing the same before walking by my side over towards Thorin as we stopped just a few inches away from him. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"He has." Bilbo and I turned around to see Balin with a small frown on his lips, Thorin glancing in our direction before looking back out the window. "The last time we saw such a weapon the city was on fire. It was a day the dragon came. The day that Smaug destroyed Dale." Balin explained, looking out towards the window himself. I followed his gaze to see a tall tower with what looked like a giant crossbow sitting on the very top in perfect condition. "Girion, the lord of the city, rallied his bowmen to fire upon the beast. But a dragon's hide is tough, tougher than the strongest armor." I nod to myself in agreement, there were only three things that could pierce a dragon's hide. "Only a Black Arrow fired from a wind-lance could have pierced the dragon's hide. And few of those arrows were ever made." Balin said with a sad sigh, shaking his head slightly.

I was about to correct him, however I held my tongue, knowing soon they would see what else could pierce a dragon's hide. I glanced over towards Bard who was listening in as well as most of the company along with his kids. I wavered on my feet slightly as a dizzy spell overtook me, flurries covering my vision for a moment before I blinked them away just in time to catch the final sentence of Balin's story, "He sent out the remaining arrows he had, each one missing their mark. Sadly the store was running low when Girion made his last stand against the beast."

"If the aim of men had been true that day, much would've been different." Thorin countered, turning away from the window to look at Balin and the two of us.

Bard looked at Thorin with a confused expression, suspicion gleaming in the depths of his brown orbs. "You speak as if you were there." Bard commented, causing Thorin's eyes to shift towards him.

"All dwarves know the tale." Thorin spoke, glancing towards Balin for a moment as he shifted his stance slightly.

"Then you would know that Girion hit the dragon. He loosened his scale under the left wing, one more shot and he would've killed the beast." Bain butt in, seeming defense as he walked a few paces towards the noble dwarf.

Dwalin chuckled lightly, shaking his head slightly, "That's a fairy tale lad, nothing more." Bain looked over his way seeming to say something however everyone's attention was on Thorin as he walked up to the bargeman.

"You took our money. Where are the weapons?" He questioned harshly, wrinkling my nose slightly at his tone. But I can't exactly blame him, he is so close to reclaiming his home yet at the same time, he is so far.

Bard gazed around the company before saying, "Wait here." Seeming to ignore the dwarf's tone as he walked back down stairs where the dwarves came from.

"How are you feeling?" Thorin spoke lowly, looking at me as his gaze softened.

"I feel fine." I repeated for what felt like the hundredth time today. "I just need some rest is all. A good sleep is all I need." I lied, giving Thorin one of my best smiles as I leaned up against the wall.

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