Chapter 5

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I grab a rock from the ground, throwing it up and down in my hand, testing out the weight. "This will do." I whisper, grabbing a few more rocks, walking towards the closest tree by the trolls camp, climbing up it, making sure I'm upwind. I don't want them to smell me just yet.

I stood on one of the lower branches, looking on ahead as the trolls arguing on how to eat the dwarves. "Trolls." I say rolling my eyes, before throwing a rock into one's eyes, I think it was the cooks? Maybe ... I don't know, all I know is that he was the one carrying a giant spoon.

He screamed out in agony, before looking around wildly for the cause. "Where did tha' come from?" He questioned.

"So stupid." I finished silently, a small smirk forming on my face before breaking off a branch above me and throwing it to the left of me, casually.

"Whatever it was it's over 'ere!" One of them shouted, running over towards the tree line, not too far from where I was sitting. I then picked up another rock from a pile I collected, I threw it hard at the dumbest looking one with a more narrow face, hitting him square in the nose.

He took his hands, covering his nose with them, "Ow!" He whined. I suppressed a laugh, jumping over to the tree resting next to the one I was sitting in, then jumped to the next, making my way around camp. I stopped to where I was behind the trolls, jumping down on the ground, a rock in my hand. I threw the rock hard, hitting the troll square in the back of his head. He turned around, making eye contact with me, "You!" He growled.

"Yes?" I question, gaining the company's attention, most of them looking at me confused while Bilbo looked at me with fear in his eyes along with Kili and Fili.

"Were you the one throwin rocks at us?" The cook troll questioned, glaring down at me.

I looked behind me, before looking back up at the trolls, "Me? Oh no, of course not. I don't just throw rocks out of nowhere." I say, a smirk playing on my features as I kicked the rock, hitting the troll next to him in his mouth. He began to choke on the rock, coughing and spluttering. "See, I didn't throw it ... I kicked it." I say with a smug grin.

"Why you little ... c'mere." The troll reached for me, I ducked rolling out of the way, slipping my sword out of its holder. I laughed as I dodged the trolls, so slow and they have barely any balance.

"Why is she so quick?" I hear one questioned as I dodge a hand grabbing for me.

"Because you are so slow and stupid." I countered, while laughing, dodging another hand reaching out to grab me.

"The dawn will take you all!" A familiar voice shouted, distracting the trolls, causing them to look over. I looked over myself, a bright smile on my face seeing Ganadalf standing at the top of the rock.

"Who is he?" One troll asked, looking up towards the Wizard.

"Can we eat him too?" The dumbest of the three asked.

Gandalf raised his staff before slamming it down, stepping to the side a bit allowing the sunlight to filter through the area where the part of the rock had fallen away. The trolls screamed in agony as the sun's rays fell upon their skin, turning them into grey stone, making them look like statues.

The dwarves cheered while I simply smiled. I walked over to the dwarves on the ground, untying Bilbo first before moving onto the dwarves, untying Thorin last, helping him up to his feet. "Thank you." Was all he said as he walked over to Gandalf standing off by the side.

"How did you know we were in trouble?" I look down seeing Bilbo looking up at me confused, twitching his nose.

I smiled, "I didn't, I so happened to stumble upon the camp when I was out hunting." I then give him a light shove, looking at him with approval, "I saw what you were doing ... it was a wonderful idea. If only Gandalf wasn't so slow I wouldn't have stepped in."

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