Chapter 10

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Thunder boomed as lightning danced across the sky, rain pelted down on top of our heads as we walked along the narrow cliff face. I would have enjoyed this weather ... if it wasn't for the noticeable tense atmosphere hanging in the air. However, it wasn't coming from the dwarves, but from the mountains itself.

Dwalin and I caught Bilbo as the part of the ledge collapsed from under him. "Bilbo!" Dwalin shouted as he grabbed onto the small hobbit's shoulder.

"We must find shelter!" I hear Balin shout from somewhere in the group.

"You alright Bilbo?" I asked him, keeping a firm grip on his shoulder as we continued walking. He nodded in reply, I let go of his shoulder before turning to face the front once more. "Look out!" I hear Fili shout from somewhere up front, I look up to see a large boulder flying through the air, crashing into the rock wall right above us. I hugged the cliff face as the boulder's depry fell down past us, falling into the ravine below.

"This is no thunderstorm." Balin spoke, gesturing to a figure walking around the mountain. "It's a thunder battle!" He shouted above the wind as a stone giant took the top off a mountain, before throwing it at another stone giant.

"Well bless me. The legends are true!" Dwalin exclaimed, watching the boulder fly through the air. "Giants! Stone giants!" He shouted above the wind as the boulder collided into the other stone giant's face, knocking him back.

No wonder the atmosphere held tension, the storm itself was created because of their violent intentions. "We have to get out of here quickly!" I yell, hoping to get the company moving again. But it was too late, the ground beneath my feet began to tremble and shake, causing the stone to fall away, splitting the company apart. Thorin had one half, along with Fili being on that end. Whie Kili was on our end, both of the brothers struggled to reach one another, but they were too far apart to reach one another. We were now riding on a stone giant, on his knees to be exact.

I looked up watching as a stone giant came and upper cut the stone giant we were on, causing him to stumble back, allowing Thorin's half of the company to jump on the narrow pathway safely. Our stone giant stood back up, turning around to look at the giant that hit him, he threw a punch himself, causing the other stone giant to stumble. Thunder crackled in the sky above as the stone giant's fist made contact.

Then, another stone giant threw a boulder at our own stone giant, knocking his head clean off, causing him to begin to fall back. He brought us close to the edge, just close enough for us to jump. However, as everyone jumped, the rock below Bilbo's and I's feet collapsed at impact. I grabbed onto a lip in the rock face while catching Bilbo by the arm. I mentally cursed out the stone giants, making note to give them a good lecture after this.

I struggle to find a foothold along the cliff face, I could tell Bilbo was trying to find one as well as he kicked his feet against the cliff face. I could feel my fingers began to slip, as the wet stone could hardly offer much grip. "Where's Bilbo? Where's Saharia?" I could hear Bofur question from somewhere above.

"Down here!" I call out in agitation, trying to keep my fingers onto the rock. I'll be fine falling from this height, all I have to do is transform into my true form ... it is way more durable than this human form. I still find it unbelievable how beings such as humans can survive in this world, one little arrow in the wrong place and they're dead. Bilbo for sure wouldn't survive the fall even if I did catch him in my true form.

Dwalin looked over the edge, immediately reaching out his hand, most of the dwarves following his lead. I lifted Bilbo, struggling a bit, quite surprised how much the little hobbit weighed. However, I couldn't lift Bilbo high enough for the dwarves to reach him.

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