Chapter 27

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Bilbo's POV

I walked down the stone hallway, repeating the directions Balin had given me inside my head. I then turned right, walking as quietly as I could, slowing myself down at tip toe pace. Stopping at the end of the corridor speaking a small, "Hello?" Out into the large cavern held up by large stone pillars as statues were scattered around. I did a small knock on the stone, hearing it echo around the cavern as I spoke, "Anyone home?" Once I heard nothing besides my own heartbeat, I walked out from the cover of the corridor.

"Nobody is home, no one is home." I repeated to myself before coming to a stop as I looked out in awe, as my eyes scanned the sea of gold. Every inch of the cavern, from what I could see, was covered in mounds of gems and gold. "I wish Saharia was here." I whispered out, missing the calmness that radiates off her, no matter the situation.

I slowly began to descend the stairs, careful not to make too much noise just in case the dragon was still here. I stepped out onto the cold gold, looking down at my feet as I moved out onto the gold. I began to pick through the gold, searching for the Arkenstone, picking up anything that caught my eye and was glimmering white. But none so far matched the description Balin had given me.

Time began to slowly tick by, as I grew more and more relaxed in my surroundings, seeming to completely forget about the fact that a dragon might be lurking under the sea of gold. Like a crocodile waiting for its prey to draw close to the water's edge. I then noticed a large, pure white, stone. I picked it up out of the gold, inspecting it closely, before realizing it was shiny enough to be the arkenstone. I let out an agitated sigh before tossing the stone aside, a loud crash following in consequence. I flinched as I turned towards the down, reaching my hand out to try and stop its tumble as I brought a finger to my mouth, shushing it as if it were a living being.

After a few more hours of searching for said arkenstone, I let out a huff of frustration as I stood up straight looking around the gold filled cabin. "Arkenstone. Arkenstone." I whispered to himself as I took another look around. "A large white jewel." I mumbled, before rolling my eyes, "Very helpful."

I then began going deeper into the mountain, searching through the gold, picking up and examining any jewel that could possibly fit the description. As I picked up a gold chalice that caught my eye, the gold under it fell away, revealing a closed scaly eye. I sharply inhaled as I placed down the chalice quietly before slowly beginning to step away, trying my best not to make too much noise.

I then stopped and went down into a kneeling position as the dragon's head moved closer slightly. I waited till its head stopped moving before I turned around slowly, freezing as I saw the end of its tail moving around a bit under the gold. That's when I realized I was completely surrounded by the dragon's body ... well half surrounded.

I began to creep my way forward, deciding staying in this area would be a terrible idea. I looked back to keep an eye on the dragon. Dropping down to one knee as I placed an elbow on it, trying to act as natural as possible. I then quickly moved behind a small mound of gold as I noticed the winged lizard's eye opened.

I kept my back pressed against the gold, struggling to keep my breathing steady as my heart hammered against my chest. I then reached inside my coat, pulling out the ring I acquired in the goblin cave. I then turned it around in my fingers, thinking about putting it on to become invisible to the naked eye. As soon as I heard the dragon lift up its head, the sound of gold coins falling into the endless mounds, I slipped the ring onto my finger, turning my head around to see the amber eyes of the dragons, his red-brown scales seemed almost dim compared to the glistening gold around him. He opened his mouth slightly, showing a few of his razor sharp teeth as he let out a low growl, looking around the mounds of gold as if he was looking for me.

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