Chapter 22

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The river pushed us gently along, the current slowly down tremendously to the point where the dwarves had to paddle with their hands. "Anything behind us?" Thorin questioned from his place up front.

"Not that I can see." Dwalin answered, glancing behind him to look into the trees before going back to paddling.

"I think we've outrun the orcs." Fili commented, glancing behind him as well before continuing onward.

"Not for long. We've lost the current." Balin pointed out.

Thorin then glanced over towards the rocky shore, before gesturing it with his head, "Make for shore!" Everyone began to paddle in the direction of the shore.

I eventually let go of Kili's barrel before swimming to the shore myself, crawling up onto the rock shore, feeling the smooth, warm rocks as I laid on them, using them as a heat source. Kili climbed out of the barrel as he and his brother walked up to me, helping me off the ground much to my distaste, leading me further away from the water before plopping me down by a rock.

I let out a small whine as pain shot up my leg and back, Fili and Kili both exchanged worried glances. "I'll be fine, just a bit of pain is all." I say, giving them a small smile before taking a look at the wound myself. It didn't look too bad, by my standards anyway, just a normal arrow wound.

"Saharia's wounded! Her leg and back need tending to!" Fili called out to his uncle, gaining some of the company's attention. Oin walked over to take a look at it himself, pushing the two brothers away to give me space, examining my wounds himself.

Thorin looked in my direction, making eye contact with me before saying, "There's an orc pack on our tail. We keep moving." I nodded, in understanding

"To where?" Fili questioned, taking a few steps towards his uncle, looking up at him with confusion.

I stopped listening after that, looking over towards Oin, "How is it?" I asked as he examined my back.

"Not too bad by the looks of it. Though it did dig deep but the bleeding has stopped. Just be careful for the next few days." I nodded, about to open my mouth to say my thanks till Thorin interrupted.

"Bind Saharia's wounds, you have two minutes." Thorin spoke firmly as Oin nodded, moving away from me to find something to treat my wounds, Kili taking his place.

"You should've let that arrow hit me." Kili spoke as guilt shinned in his eyes.

I laughed, "And let you get all the attention, not a chance." Kili chuckled lightly, before looking down towards the floor. I let out a sigh, placing a hand on his shoulder, "I made my choice, this isn't your fault. Understand me?" I say softly, causing Kili to nod.

Oin came back with a wad of cobwebs and a few herbs. "This is all I could find but ... this'll do." He spoke as he started his work, tending to the wound on my back quickly before moving to my leg.

A scent wafted up to my nose, causing me to look over seeing a shadowy figure pointing and arrow at Ori who was sitting along the bank, emptying the water from his boot, currently unaware of the figure behind him.

"Ori!" I shout, getting both the young dwarf's attention and the bowman's, aiming their bow at me. Kili picked up a rock, ready to throw it at the figure before they fired an arrow, hitting the stone out of his hand. Before requipping with another arrow quickly, stepping out of the shadows to reveal a man with long black hair, a short, black mustache under his nose and a bit on his chin, light skin, and black eyes.

"Do it again, and you're dead." He growled, Kili gulping as he sat back down slowly.

"Excuse me." Balin spoke, causing the man to point his arrow at him which Balin reacted by holding his hands up in a surrender-like manner. "But you're from lake Lake Town, if I'm not mistaken." He then gestured his head over to where a large boat was docked. "That barge over there ... it wouldn't be available for hire, by any chance?" Balin questioned, causing the bow men to relax.

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