Chapter 2

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I pulled up my hood over my head, placing a finger over my mouth while I sneak skillfully into the living room. Bilbo just nodded, his brow furrowing slightly, before walking up to his door, opening it to reveal a dwarf with a bald top, dark brown hair growing at the side, his beard nearly reaching his chest. A dark green cloak covered him, hiding the clearly present armor underneath, he bowed slightly saying, "Dwalin, at your service."

Bilbo adjusted his robe slightly saying, "Bilbo, at yours." Then he looked at the dwarf confused, "Do we know each other?"

The dwarf stepped up towards the entrance stopping beside Bilbo to say, "No." He sounded as if Bilbo had asked a stupid question, walking past him while slipping off his cloak, revealing fur of an animal resting on his shoulders, and the rest of his clothing was earthly brown, an axe rest on his back. "Which way, laddie?" Dwalin asked, looking around expectantly. "Is it down here?"

"Is what down where?" Bilbo asked, not leaving his spot by his still opened door, looking at the dwarf confused.

Dwalin walked up to the small hobbit, shoving his cloak into his hands while saying, "Supper." Dwalin then walked away once more while saying, "He said there'd be food and lots of it." Bilbo shut his front door, following after the large dwarf questioning who he was talking about.

I sat down on the couch once they left from sight, watching the flames flicker at the fireplace. It has been a few minutes since Dwalin arrived, so far no one else has showed up to the meeting place. Not even Gandalf, where is that old bloke anyway.

I jerk up to my feet, hearing another knock at the door. I watched from my spot behind the wall, seeing Bilbo scurry up to the door. When Bilbo opened the door, another dwarf was on the other end, he seemed older than the other one, as his hairs were white along his head and beard. According to Gandalf and some people I knew, mortal's hairs become white as they age to their later years ... how bothersome.

Ther old dwarf bowed just like the other one saying, "Balin at your service." A gentle smile shone on his face.

"Good evening." Bilbo said in a slightly agitated tone, no smile present on his face.

The dwarf turned his head to look at the sky, nodding in agreement, "Yes, yes it is." He looked back at Bilbo. Taking a step forward to stand beside him saying, "Though I think it might rain later." He then looks back at Bilbo placing a hand on Bilbo's shoulder asking, "Am I late?"

Bilbo squinted his eyes, "Late for what?" He questions, extending the "L" a little bit. The dwarf then walked away with a smile, a slightly agitated Bilbo following him rambling on as the two dwarfs started putting food on the table. Not even two minutes later the door rang, catching Bilbo's attention once more. He walks up to the door, grumbling under his breath. I couldn't help but chuckle, catching Bilbo's attention for a moment, before he opened the door revealing two more dwarves.

One dwarf was blonde while the other had black hair, both introduced themselves the same way as the other two, "Fili." The blonde one spoke. "And Kili." The one with black hair spoke. "At your service." They both said at the same time as they bowed. "You must be mister Boggins." Kili said with a smile.

A small giggle erupted from my throat, hearing the young dwarf get poor Bilbo's name wrong. "Nope! You can't come in, you came to the wrong house." Bilbo exclaimed, hoping to get rid of the two dwarfs standing at his door. He began to close the door as he spoke only for it to be stopped by Kili, pushing it back open asking with a frown, "Has it been cancelled?"

Fili stepped up looking between his brother and Bilbo with a frown on his face, "No one told us."

Biblo replied, not so smart on his part, "Cancelled? Nothing's been cancelled."

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