Chapter 4

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"Mr. Gandalf, can you do something about this dulge?" Dorin questioned as the rain pounded down on top of our heads, soaking us to the bones. Most of the company had their hoods up except for Gandalf, who had his pointy hat, me, who loved the rain, and poor Bilbo who didn't have a cloak. I was going to give mine up until Gandalf told me not to, saying dwarves don't like the elves in any way and might assume the worst if they see my armor. So, Bilbo was forced in the rain with no cover, I'm almost tempted to change the weather to make it stop.

"Yeah, Gandalf, why don't you stop the rain?" I teased, looking over at the old wizard with a wide smirk.

Gandalf ignored me, "It is raining master dwarf, and it will continue to rain until the rain is done." He then turned his head back slightly, "If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard."

"Boring." I say with a smug grin, doing my best to prevent a laugh from escaping from the back of my throat.

"If you want the weather to change, why don't you change it yourself." Gandalf snapped back, seeming offended by my comment.

"Even if I could, I wouldn't." A smile formed along my face, "I love the rain too much to get rid of it." I say with a wink and a sly grin on my face.

"Are there any?" Bilbo asked, pacing beside Gandalf.

"What?" Gandalf questioned, looking over at the small hobbit in confusion.

"Other wizards." Bilbo explained, shivering slightly.

Gandalf nodded slightly, "There are five of us. The greatest of our order is Saruman the White."

"The one who has a stick up his butt." I commented, interrupting Gandalf earning a small chuckle from him.

"Then there are the two blue wizards ... you know, I've quite forgotten their names." Gandalf said, narrowing his eyes and contorting his eyebrows as he seemed to try to remember what the blue wizards names were.

I rolled my eyes, "They are named Alatar and Pallando. Jeez you always forget their names."

"Thank you my dear." Gandalf spoke, not noticing my last comment.

"Who is the fifth?" Bilbo asked with interest.

"Well, that would be Radagast the Brown." Gandalf answered.

"An animal lover." I put in with a bright smile, remembering the strange but yet kind wizard.

"Is he a great wizard or ... is he more like you?" Bilbo asked, causing me to burst out laughing.

Gandalf looked at Bilbo, sending him a small glare before looking back forwards saying, "I think he is a very great wizard, in his own way. He's a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals to others." Gandalf started explaining, "He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forest lands to the east. And a good thing too. For evil will look to find a foothold in this world."

I nodded in agreement, I remember those forests being overridden by orcs and giant spiders. That was one of the first things I did, I cleared out the forest and the orc stronghold, setting the forest free from the darkness that ruled there.

"And unlike Gandalf, he gets straight to the point." I say with a sly grin. Next thing I knew, I was wacked in the head hard. The dwarves that were watching laughed as I rubbed the back of my head with my hand. I look over to see Gandalf with a grin on his face, his wooden staff by his side.

"What? I was telling the trut- ow!" I yelped, as Gandalf whacked the end of his staff on my head. After some time the rain eventually stopped and I was able to work on my little journal once more. When Bilbo's sketch was finally done, I began to write down information I had gathered up from Bilbo.

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