Chapter 6

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I was curled into a ball inside my den that I dug out inside a cliff face, I kept myself blended into the shadows, preventing any light from reaching my fur or body. I perked up my head as I heard voices. "Are you sure the beast lies in here?" I heard a male voice question, the sound of metal hitting metal echoed around the cavern.

"Positive." A woman's voice spoke, her voice was warm and calm. After a while two people looking similar to humans walk into the cavern. One had long brown hair, lightly tanned skin, brown eyes, and pointed ears. He also wore metal as clothing which I found sort of strange.

The other one was a woman with long blonde hair, fair skin, bright blue eyes, and also had pointed ears. She wore a long white gown, almost glowing in the dark. "I thought Mountain Wolves were a myth, a simple legend to give others hope." The male questioned, looking around the cavern, with his hand at the end of his metal-like stick.

"They are as real as you and me." The woman spoke, looking around calmly. I watched them in curiosity, taking interest in the shiny thing on the woman's head.

"How do you know it will help us?" The male questioned, still seeming to be on full alert.

"I don't." The woman answered, her eyes gazing over to the spot where I was, however her eyes kept scanning around the cave, seeming to not to notice my presence.

"How do you know it won't kill us?" The male questioned further.

"If I wanted to kill you, I would've done so by now." I spoke telepathically, watching in amusement as the male looked around wildly while the female smiled calmly. "You are quite interesting creatures, for a moment I thought you were man." I stepped out of the shadows, standing up to my full size looking down at the two tiny creatures below. It's been years since the dragon's wrath killed my family, over the years I have grown to my full size and have taken my place as queen of my kind.

Both of the creatures stared up at me in awe, seeming at a loss for words. The girl shook her head, seeming to shake herself out of a trance, "We are elves' benevolence." The lady bowed as well as the male. I purr in amusement, "I don't believe I have ever seen your kind before." I crouched down, bending my head so I could look at them at eye level ... or at least close to eye level.

I let out a slow rumble, a smile forming along my lips, "What can I help you with ... elves?" I question, laying down in front of them, adjusting my gold tipped wings as I did so.

"You ... are the queen." The women spoke in awe, seeming to forget my question. "None of your kind has pure white fur that has feathers tipped with gold except for the queen herself."

"That is true, though you seem to know a lot about my kind." I gave her a suspicious glare, wondering how she got this information.

"I merely read the myths from the past, that is all I know of your kind." She said with a smile.

I nod, seeming to trust her answer "What are your names might I ask?"

The woman placed her hand over her heart saying, "My name is Galadriel." 

The male followed her lead, placing his own hand over his heart saying, "My name is Elrond your majesty."

"Pleasant to meet you both, my name is Saharia." I say with a warm smile, taking a liking to the two elves already.


Radagast took the lead, shooting out of the forest with a pack of wargs following him behind. I waited in the forest for a little bit, before shooting out behind them. Taking aim at the orc biting at Radagast's heals. I pulled the string back, a smirk forming along my lips as I released the arrow. Watching it fly through the air before embedding into the back leg of the warg, causing it to tumble to the ground along with the orc that was riding it.

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