Chapter 39

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I looked at Legolas with wide eyes, "You're not returning to the Woodland Realm? Your home?" I questioned him in shock as I scanned over him with my eyes seeing if he was hit on the head.

"I can not go back, not with what I have seen and fought." Legolas answered as he gestured to the door of the room we were talking in. It was the same room I was in as I healed from my wounds from the battle. "I can't just sit idly by in the safety of the castle as the world around me succumbs to war." He added taking a few steps towards me, his baby blue eyes locking onto my own.

"Where will you go?" I questioned, crossing my arms.

"My father mentioned going to the north, to find a man named Strider." Legolas answered before placing his hands on my shoulders. "I want you to come with me, Saharia." He spoke in his elvish language.

I looked at him confused, before looking down at my feet in thought. "But ... I need to help them recover. Rebuild their home." I stated, gesturing to the door. Really she was making up an excuse to stay with them longer as Thorin and Gandalf told her she shouldn't be doing anything too extreme like picking up heavy rocks or carrying a large load.

Legolas placed a hand on her shoulder, "You don't have to decide now." I met his gaze as a soft smile danced on his features as he let his hand drop back down to his side. "I will be leaving here in two days. You can tell me your answer on the second day." He then left the room, opening the door seeming to pause for a moment before walking away.

Dwalin and Bofur came walking into the room, "Come lass, we got a room set up for you." Dwalin spoke, giving me a small smile.

"I thought this was my room?" I questioned, gesturing to the cold, empty, stone room around me.

Dwalin laughed as Bofur smiled, "No lass, we would never keep you in this old room. We just were too afraid to move you as you were healing." He then gestured with a wave of his hand as Dwalin's laugh ceased once Bofur began to take the lead. The two led me down the winding halls and up the stairs passing many dwarves who greeted the three of us whenever we passed. They then came to a stop in front of two dark doors, Bofur and Dwalin each took one, opening it to reveal a large room.

The walls were a polished black and grey marble, on the far edge was a large moss area that just looked to be newly planted. There were also vines lining one of the walls as beautiful white lilies grew along the vines. Hanging was a chandelier decorated in bright white jewels, candles seeming to be newly lit. I walked into the middle of the room, looking around feeling much more at ease feeling some familiarity. I walked over to a black dresser where my armor and sword were newly polished. My bow was even hanging just above the dresser with the quiver next to it.

"We have got a hot bath ready for you Saharia. The feast will be held at sundown." Dwalin explained, gesturing to a closed curtain. "Let us know if you need anything lassy." Dwalin added as I dipped my head to them in thanks while they closed the door. I then walked over to the dresser, opening up a drawer seeing elvish dresses, a smile spreading across my features as I traced the silky material with my fingers before grabbing hold of it, pulling it out to take a look at it. It was a white grown where it slowly faded into a beautiful emerald green. It had a cut on the shoulders as the pieces of silk rested on her lower arms. Her brows contorted, wondering if it was truly wise to wear elvish clothes to the feast surrounded by dwarves.

"You should wear it." I turned around seeing Gandalf walk into the room closing the door behind him. "After all they fought with the elves, Thorin even allowed Legolas to stay here a while." He added as he leaned slightly on his staff. I looked back at the dress before laying it on the dresser placing my hands behind my back turning to Gandalf. "Have we really won?"

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