Chapter 7

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*Don't play the song until Saharia starts singing! The song is called Rocky Road to Dublin and I actually didn't plan her singing till I stumbled on this song. Anyway enjoy the chapter!*

"This was your plan all along!" Thorin growled, walking through the company to get to Gandalf, glaring up at him with a scowl on his face. "To seek refuge with our enemy."

"You have no enemies here Thorin Okenshield." Gandalf countered, looking down sternly at the dwarf king. "The only ill will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself." I noticed Bilbo flash a knowing look at me, causing me to giggle slightly, even Bilbo knew Gandalf's words were true.

"You think the elves will give our quest their blessing?" Thorin argued, returning the stern look. "They will try to stop us."

"Of course they will." Gandalf said with a roll of his eyes. "But we have questions that need to be answered." Gandalf pointed out, Thorin let out a sigh before looking away, knowing full well Gandalf spoke the truth. "If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact." Gandalf said, making his way up front towards me while saying, "Which is why you will leave the talking to me and Saharia."

Gandalf led the way down the pass, as time ticked by I could feel the poison growing. It was annoying and painful ... but more annoying. It never stopped bleeding either, a few drops of blood running down my neck every now and then. By the time noon came around we reached the bridge, walking across it, the sound of the river running below. When we reached the other side, the dwarves began to look around, Bilbo as well except he was looking around in awe instead of alarmed like the dwarves.

"Mithrandir." Gandalf and I turned to see a male elf making his way down the stairs. He then looked over at me, bowing his head slightly before straightening, "Saharia."

"Ah. Lindir." Gandalf began, the dwarves were now gathered together in the middle, Thorin whispering something in Dwalin's ears. "I must speak with Lord Elrond." Gandalf said urgently.

Lindir focused his brown eyes on Gandalf saying, "My Lord Elrond is not here."

Gandalf and I looked at each other for a moment before looking back at Lindir, "Not here?" Gandalf questioned. Lindir opened his mouth to speak, only for a horn to be answered for him. I turn around seeing a few elves on the back of horses, galloping over the bridge, heading towards the dwarves.

"Close ranks!" One of the dwarves shouted, Bofur pulling Bilbo in the middle, as they formed a sort of circle with their weapons pointed at the elves as they trotted around them. One elf, which I recognized instantly, smiling brightly as he jumped off his horse. "Gandalf." He walked over hugging the old wizard in welcome. His smile brightened slightly as his gaze fell on me, "Saharia." He hugged me as well as I hugged in return, smiling brightly.

He held up a weapon of orc made, "Strange for orcs to come so close to our borders." Gandalf gestured to the dwarves, which were now relaxed as the elves that were accompanying Elrond were now off their horses. "Something, or someone has drawn them near." Elrond continued, looking over at the group.

"That may have been us." Gandalf spoke with a small nod towards the dwarves.

Elrond's gaze landed on Thorin, "Welcome, Thorin, no of Thrain."

"I do not believe we have met." Thorin spoke, resting the axe in his hand on the ground.

"You have your grandfather's bearing." Elrond spoke, gesturing to it with a nod, "I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain."

"Indeed, he made no mention of you." Thorin responded, causing some of the dwarves to chuckle.

"Get the feast table ready and prepared. Bring out food and our finest wine so our guest may feast." Elrond spoke in his elven tongue, not breaking eye contact from Thorin. Lindir bowed to his king before walking back up the stairs.

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