Chapter 21

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Bilbo's POV

I made my way down through the Woodland Realm, walking past the dwarves in the process as I ventured down further, wanting to find the cellars before freeing the company from their cells. I eventually reached a small room filled with barrels and bottles of elvish wine. I instinctively stayed behind cover as elves lifted the barrels stacking them on top of a platform with a leaver beside it.

"These empty barrels should have been sent back to Esgaroth hours ago." An elf spoke, watching as the two elves stacked another barrel. "The bargeman will be waiting for them." I hear him say as he looks at the other elf that accompanied them. Both of them mumbling to one another as the elves made their way out to attend the party happening above.

The other elf then grabbed a bottle, uncorking it as he spoke, "Say what you like about our ... ill-tempered king." He then took a swig of the wine before saying, "He has excellent taste in wine." He then looked at his friend, gesturing to the bottle with his hand. "Come, Elros, try it."

The elf looked unsure, his hand mindlessly grabbing onto the ring of keys while saying, "I have the dwarves in my charge." The other elf took the keys out of his hands with a roll of his eyes.

"They're locked up, where could they go?" He joked with his friend as he placed the keys onto a hook, their laughter filling the air as they sat down at a table, drinking happily as they talked with one another.

I walked over, taking the keys off the hook gently, careful not to make too much noise. I then sneak out of the cellar, following the remaining elves out, before carefully sneaking back to the cells.

"I'll wager the sun is on the rise." Bofur commented with a sigh, looking out of his cell door sadly. "Must be nearly dawn." He added, leaning up against the wall beside the cell door.

"We're never going to reach the mountain ... are we?" Ori spoke, looking over towards his older brother with a sad gaze, Dori simply sighed in response, not meeting his brother's eye.

I slip off my ring before saying, "Not stuck in here you're not." I speak quietly, as I place my ring back inside my pocket before walking over towards Thorin's cell.

"Bilbo!" I hear someone speak cheerfully as everyone begins to celebrate ... a bit too loudly for my liking.

"Shh! There are guards nearby." I say firmly, unlocking Thorin's door before moving on to the next closest cell. One by one, the dwarves were free, as they all came together, about to go up the stairs towards the exit where the small party was happening.

"Not that way!" I say quietly, gesturing for them to follow me as I walked down a few steps. "Down here. Follow me." I say as I begin my descent before I feel someone grab my shoulder. 

"What about Saharia?" Thorin questioned, looking around, seeming to expect our white haired friend to come around the corner.

"She said she'll catch up. C'mon we don't have that much time." I say quickly, Thorin nodding as he let go of my shoulder, allowing me to walk down the stairs once more. I led them down into the cellars, stopping for a moment when I heard one of the, now, sleeping drunk elves grumble. I then continued moving, allowing everyone to gather in the cellars.

"I don't believe it. We're in the cellar!" Kili shouted quietly, looking slightly agitated.

"You were supposed to lead us out, not further in!" Bofur exclaimed quietly, keeping his voice down as he looked at Biblo with an agitated glare.

"I know what I'm doing!" I snap quietly, after all this time together do they really think I would be dumb enough to let them get caught? "This way!" I say as I walked over towards the empty barrels, stopping right in front of the lever. "Everyone, climb in the barrels ... quick!" I say, glancing behind me to check and make sure the elves were still asleep.

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