Chapter 36

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Kili watched in horror as his kin fought against the orcs, he slowly began to grow antsy as his hands began to twitch in anticipation ready to join in the fight. His gaze wandered across the armies fighting below, before he turned his gaze over to his uncle who was retreating into the mountain. "This is wrong!" Kili shouted, looking over at his brother whose eyes shone with the same fire he was feeling pounding in his veins. "We should be down there with our kin!" He stated further, hoping his uncle would hear him, however Thorin showed no signs he had.

"Did ya see the way she looked at us?" Fili spoke, remembering the fiery glare Saharia sent in their direction, as he looked down the wall with a sad look. Kili hummed in question as he turned to look at his Fili, wondering what his brother was referring to. "Saharia ... She looked so angry and disappointed." Fili continued, his eyes wandering over to the mountain wolf where Dain's men were working on her chains.

"Her fury was not directed towards us." Balin spoke, gaining the brother's attention. "She looked right at Thorin, with those deadly eyes. Not to mention she didn't seem too fond of Thranduil either." He explained with a sigh as he watched the chains fall off her fur, the beautiful mountain wolf finally gaining freedom.

All of a sudden a loud boom, that sounded like thunder, echoed across the sky. Fili and Kili looked over, seeing Saharia on the ground, another mountain wolf looming over her. Kili's heart almost seemed to stop as he kept his gaze on the sickly creature. Its pelt, green and black, clung to its body, some of its feathers were missing from its wings, and it's eyes were bloodshot and wild. At first glance Kili would've thought the beautiful creature was a horrid monster from his nightmares. "Oh. My." Before Kili could finish Saharia let out a war cry, most of the company flinching in response as a bloodthirsty, angry aura radiated from the roar. They watched as her glare landed on Azog, who held his head high in triumph. Kili could just imagine the grin forming along his disgusting features.

"What have they done to that secret creature?" Dwalin spoke as he looked at the other mountain wolf up and down, noticing the same things Kili noticed.

Kili grabbed a hold of the rope swinging it over the side, ready to jump down with Fili right behind him. Balin grabbed hold of Kili's shoulder. "Don't. We will just get underfoot. This is her fight."

Saharia POV

I watched the rapid creature charge forward once more, I quickly moved to the side, dodging their attack as they clashed with the mountain instead, head first. I took a few more steps back, giving myself more distance between the two of us. My confidence dropped as I stared at the sickly creature, taking in every injury, every protruding bone, every missing feather ... everything. The more I looked, the more I felt guilt and anger began to grow and swirl together.

"They are heading towards the city!" I hear someone shout, I turn my head to see orcs heading towards the ruined city. A growl left my throat as I shifted my attention towards the orc army, as they split from the head, marching with a few war beasts at the head. I looked back at the mountain wolf as it struggled to pull its horns out from the stone wall, a plan began to forge in my head. "Forgive me." I whispered to myself in the language of my kind as I charged forward towards the mountain wolf grabbing it by the scruff of its neck, pulling it away from the stone wall.

It roared out in frustration and surprise as it tried to fight back. I walked towards the army, dragging the mountain wolf with me, before swinging my head around letting go of the mountain wolf, throwing it, as its body landed on the army, squashing half of them under its large body. "As the queen of the mountain wolves, I hereby sentence you to death. For you will never recover from your starved and rapid state." I spoke as the mountain wolf stood back up on all fours. In response it turned its head, acidic saliva dripping from its mouth as its crazed eyes looked into my own.

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