Chapter 38

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I felt ... warm. It was dark all around me as no dreams or nightmares played through my mind. However I could hear worried voices, some were even raised, all molded together to form background noise, like as if I was in a tavern. I shuffled, turning over on my side hoping to get in a more comfortable position. I then felt someone's hand on my shoulder, guiding me back into a back lying position.

I groaned as I blinked open my eyes still feeling the hand on my shoulder, "I hate bed." I grumbled looking over at the person, who was blurry at first, my vision slowly beginning to clear.

"Apologies, they didn't exactly have any moss so this is all they could manage. Better than the stone ground." A familiar voice spoke, my vision cleared recognizing the brown haired elf.

"Elrond?" I questioned, wondering if I was in some other dream. After all, I didn't really feel any pain, considering I was stabbed right in my gut, which I am finding to be annoying and time consuming to heal.

Elrond smiled as he pulled his hand away, "In the flesh." He walked away to the corner of the grey stoned room, I sat up taking a look around noticing a few cobwebs here and there. It definitely wasn't Rivendell ... was I still at the mountain. I then looked down, lifting up my black shirt slightly to see bandages wrapped around my torso. "It has healed for the most part, but I say still be careful to prevent it from reopening." Elrond spoke, walking over with a cup in his hand filled with warm tea. I nodded in thanks, taking it from his hands before blowing on it then taking a small sip, feeling the warm liquid run down my dry throat.

"How long was I out?" I ask before taking another sip hungrily, realizing how thirsty I was.

"It's been about three weeks. You need to be more careful, you could have ended up in a coma that could last for centuries." Elrond lectured, sending me a firm glare before walking away once more. "Or worse, been killed. Your body was already weak from the attack of the dragon, then the fight with the other mountain, and now your human form had taken damage after that. It puts great strain on your body even for your kind."

I let out a small sigh taking another sip of the tea, my shoulders slumping, "I know, I know but I had no choice. If I didn't step in Thorin would've been killed." I contradicted, looking over at Elrond as he began to place some herbs back into a box. "Besides I knew I would live, honestly three weeks was way shorter than I expected." I added closing my eyes before taking another sip, hearing small grumbles leave Elrond's lips.

I then hear the door open, opening my eyes and turning my head to see Gandalf with Bilbo at his side. The hobbit's shoulders have slumped as sadness held in his gaze. Gandalf didn't look any better. "How is she?" Bilbo questioned as the two of them didn't even look in my direction.

Elrond smiled softly as the two of them before nodding in my direction. The two looked over their eyes widened as Gandalf let out a sigh in relief leaning on his staff, a small chuckle escaping him. Bilbo smiled in relief as he ran over, jumping on the bed, wrapping his arms around me nearly spilling the tea in my hand. I chuckled as I wrapped my arm around him, "Miss me that much huh?" I joked as Bilbo pulled away looking right into my eyes before grabbing my face.

"Don't ever do that again." He spoke firmly, glaring right into my eyes making me feel a little uneasy, never really seeing Bilbo angry before.

"No promises." I joked, before feeling something wack my head causing me to pull myself out of Bilbo's hands, glaring up at Gandalf as I rubbed the spot he hit. "Ow! That hurt!"

"Good it will knock some sense back into you." He huffed before leaning back on his stay with a grin while I simply glared at him.

"She is free to walk around, but no excessive activity. Which means no fighting orcs or riding horses. I would hold off changing into your form for about another week as well." Elrond reported as he closed the box full of herbs, taking it into his hands before walking up to stand beside Gandalf.

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