Chapter 15

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I walked through the dense forest, leading the company down an invisible path I've lodged in my mind over the years. I played with the necklace Fili had given me as we walked, climbing over logs that laid in our path. Bilbo stuck to my side, pushing away leaves that hung in our way.

"Where are we going?" Thorin questioned, waking a branch away with his sword.

"Somewhere, where orcs will never dare go and mortals aren't aware of." Gandalf answered, pushing a branch gently away as he continued walking. "A safe place to rest and gather a few more things before continuing the journey."

Thorin scoffed, "No place is safe from orcs, especially from Azog."

I smirked, "Oh trust me." I turn my head to look at the dwarves behind me. "They won't dream of setting foot in here." I added, before looking back ahead. I pushed aside the bushes to reveal a large lake with sparkling blue water, however, the lake wasn't too big as a person could walk around it in just a few hours. The sun's rays danced along the bright green grass and leaves, flowers of different colors sprouted from the ground, covering the grassy floor in a ray of colors.

Bilbo and the dwarves looked around in awe at the scenery before them, birds flying from branch to branch, their songs echoing across the forest. A doe and her fawn walked right past us without a second thought, leading her child to the water to drink.

"They aren't afraid of us?" Bilbo questioned, sounding a bit confused yet shocked.

"Of course not." I say, catching his attention. "They have never seen people before." I explain calmly, watching as the doe simply glanced at us before trotting away with her fawn following behind. The fawn stopped to look at us for a moment, before running after the doe.

I walked away from the group to place down my back Thorin gave me by the tree, before saying, "We can set up camp here. But no fires." I say firmly, gaining their attention. "Especially by this tree." I added, pointing to the large tree where I put my bag.

"Then how are we going to see?" Bofur questioned as he walked up to me with a questioning look in his eyes.

"Oh trust me." I say as I walk past him to walk by the shore of the lake. "There will be plenty of light at night." I say, crouching down by the water, looking down into it.

"Then how are we going to cook!?" Bombur questioned, most of the dwarves grumbling in agreement.

"Simple." I say, grabbing a hold of a large black rock in the water, dragging it out onto the shore with a small grunt. "You use this, leave it out in the sun long enough ... it'll cook about anything." I say as I walk away, leaving them there.

"Where are you going!?" Bofur called out after me.

"Wondering!" I answered back, walking into the forest. "You can't go out there alone!" I heard Thorin shout from behind me, but I didn't listen as I made my way through the forest, to the one place I must go.

Bilbo's POV

I watch as Saharia disappears into the brush. "Does she even listen?" Thorin grumbled, crossing his arms as he glared at the spot Saharia was just standing in. 

"She does, she just chooses to ignore you." Gandalf answered, walking away from the group over to where Saharia's bag was.

"Should we go after her?" I question, looking away from the spot Saharia disappeared behind to look over a Gandalf.

"Leave her be. She has something she needs to do." Gandalf spoke, looking over at me sadly, before letting out a sigh. "For now, let's find some food." He spoke, his attitude shifting to normal.

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