Chapter 11

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I weaved around the rocks along the pathway, staying in cover as a large, silver scaled beast flew above. "Where are you?" He grumbled, his devil horns could be seen as he looked down in the crevice as he flew over.

I smirked as I continued running down the windy path, before skidding to a stop as a pale orc blocked my path. His ice blue eyes glaring into my cobalt blue ones, a sword at the ready. I unsheathed my own sword, pointing it at him. "Move out of the way, orc." I growl, not wanting the dragon to escape from my sight.

The pale orc growled in response, before charging forward, bringing his sword up towards my chest. I raised my own sword to block his own sword, I continued on the defending side until he knocked the sword out of my hand. He then sliced at me once more towards my torso, causing me to jump back before landing onto my back.

I look over and see a small pool of water, I reach out towards it, causing the water to attract towards me. The water laced around my fingers before turning into ice, making it look like claws. I rolled out of the way of his sword before jumping up onto my feet, slicing my ice claws across his chest, ducking down to avoid the swing of his sword slicing through his other shoulder.

I then run up to an upright boulder before turning around, jumping off of the grey stone, raising my arms up. I came down, slicing my claws over his face as he tried to move out of the way. I was about to give the finishing blow till I heard the dragon's roar, smoak rising in the distance.

I jumped off of the pale orcs body, leaving him behind as I ran towards the smoke, my ice claws transforming back into water, shaking the water off my hands. I transform into my original form as I run, adjusting my wings as I glare on ahead, seeing the dragon setting flames to the forest.

Blue fire escaped its mouth, setting the tree ablaze, screams of the elves that lived there could be heard. I stopped, glaring at the dragon, before letting my own roar escape my mouth, sounding like a monster out of myth, it was deep and booming. The ground shook and the trees were blown towards the dragon, some of the trees uprooting themselves. I slammed my tail against the ground after my roar ended in a growl sounding like a mix of a lion's and wolf's growl.

The dragon roared in return, electricity sparking along its silver scales before taking off into the sky, flying straight towards me. The dragon was merely half my size, however I knew ... he wasn't going to go down easy. 


We all ran down the hillside, the wargs paws could be heard thudding behind us as they grew closer. The sun began to set as we ran, turning the sky dark, the clouds beginning to scatter across the sky, darkening the land even more.

We ran around a rock jutting out of the ground, in that instant a warg jumped off the rock, before turning around, growling at Bilbo. I skid to a stop, "Bilbo!" I drew my sword, ready to attack the warg from behind.

The warg charged forwards lunging at Bilbo, however Bilbo stuck out his sword, causing the brown furred beast to run head first into the blade, dying instantly. Bilbo let go of the sword, watching the warg drop dead, looking down in shock.

I relax, looking around to see the dwarves killed the ones that reached us much sooner than the others. That's when I also realized that we reached a dead end, keep running and you would go off the cliff down into the forest below. "Up into the trees, all of you! Climb!" Gandalf called out, climbing up the furthest tree that was on the very edge of the cliff.

All the dwarves began climbing the trees around them, I climbed up the tree right next to Gandalf, sitting on one of the branches. I watched as Bilbo struggled to get his sword out of the warg, once he was able to pull the sword free, he looked around confused.

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