Chapter 30

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Bard looked outside of his window in his jail cell, seeing the dragon flying their way. The alarm bell began to sound as the dragon grew close. "Saharia." Bard breathed out in disbelief, thinking she was torn apart by the giant winged lizard.

Tauriel looked at the sky, her eyes glimmering in sadness as the dragon was the one that came out flying from the mountain. "As fast as you can." She told the children as she loaded them into the boat.

"We're not leaving, not without our father." Bain spoke as he looked up at the she-elf sternly.

Tauriel looked down at him sharply, "If you stay here your sisters will die. Is that what your father wants?" She questioned as Bain looked down, knowing she was right, then stepped onto the boat as she climbed on after him, before using the oar to push the boat away from the docks. Just in time as the dragon flew over them, people began to scream out in fear and warning, urging each other to get a move on.

Bard watched from his window as the dragon came around, before shooting out a stream of raging flames, the screams of terror turning into screams of agony as the flames spread quickly. He used his body to hit the house, causing pieces of wood to go flying, some of the houses collapsing in response.

Bard then noticed a rope out of the corner of his eye, grabbing a hold of it before throwing it out of his cell window just as a boat filled with gold went under him. The rope wrapped around the master of lake town, causing him to gasp and flail wildly trying to get free as he was pinned to the back of the boat. The weight of the boat was able to pull out the wall, freeing Bard from his prison as he began to make his way to the armory.

He killed out the window, jumping into the room grabbing a holder filled with arrows along with a bow. He kicked out the roof tiles before looking around, watching Smaug continue on destroying the town. Bard's eyes then locked onto the tower, he climbed onto the roof before beginning to make his way to the tower.

Smaug then took notice of Bard, his eyes narrowing in his direction, a stale scent of the mountain wolf on him. He turned around heading straight for Bard, Bard noticed this, sliding down one of the roofs to avoid being crushed by the large dragon's body as it scraped against the rooftop.

Bard continued on making his way towards the tower, climbing up to the very top as he aimed his first arrow at the dragon, it flew through the air before bouncing off the dragon's scales. He then noticed how beat up Smaug looked, scales missing here and there along with long scratches and bite marks. "Thank you Saharia, your effort won't go in vain." Bard mumbled to himself as he fired an arrow, the arrow digging deep into Smaug's open flesh causing him to let out a roar in annoyance as he turned sharply to Bard.

"He hit it!" Bain shouted as he looked at the she-elf. "I saw it." He added as he looked back up at his father, watching him fire arrow after arrow.

"No ... these arrows cannot pierce his hide. I fear he is only irritating the dragon further. Nothing can stop it." Tauriel spoke before she noticed something flying high in the sky before it dived down crashing right into the dragon knocking it aside as it began to make its way back to Bard, planning on destroying the tower. The dragon's body crashed down on top of the houses.

Bard looked at the creature in shock, a white furred mountain wolf standing in front of him. "Saharia ... you're alive!" Bard spoke with a relieved smile, before he looked her over, seeing she was in worse shape than Smaug, however fight remained in her eyes as she glared at the dragon.

"You insolent dog!" Smaug roared, making Bard jump as he looked over watching the dragon stand up using the houses as support. "I should have killed you in that mountain." He growled as he lashed his tail side to side in annoyance.

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