Chapter 8

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I yawn loudly, sitting up from the moss covered ground, which laid in the spot where the bed is supposed to be. Elrond replaced the bed with the bed of moss just for me, that's how I always know which room is mine. I never really liked beds all that much, instead I much preferred moss over any bed. The sheets just made me hot, and the mattress was just too soft and uncomfortable. I can sleep anywhere and on anything ... except for a bed.

I stand up and stretch out my arms, Elrond is offering us a few days to stay and rest. Mostly because of my wound, which is simply a small scratch now, looking as if a tree branch whipped across my neck.

I change into elven clothes left by the she-elfs, taking my armor and clothes for it to be polished and cleaned. I walk out of my room, hearing laughter coming from the dining area. I walked in the direction of the sound, covering up my mouth with my hand as a small yawn escaped me.

I stop walking as I notice a figure sitting on one of the benches that laid in the palace up ahead. I look over seeing Bilbo examining his sword, his eyes clouded as he stared down at the sword in thought. I approach him saying, "I can teach you."

Bilbo jumped, looking up at me with wide eyes, "Oh it's just you." Bilbo let out a sigh of relief, placing a hand on his chest.

I giggle lightly, "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." I sat down next to him, looking down at my hands, before looking over at Bilbo who was looking back at me. "But I am serious, I can teach you a few things on how to use your sword."

Bilbo looked up at me surprised, "Really?"

I nodded, "Of course." I stand up, grabbing an apple out of a basket being carried by an elf that was heading towards noise coming from the dining area. I then toss the apple to Bilbo, who caught it with ease, "C'mon, I know a place."

Bilbo sheathed his sword, before standing up and running to catch up to me as I walked along the halls of the palace. "What about your sword?" Bilbo asked from my left as he paced beside me, taking a bite out of his apple.

"It is currently being polished and sharpened, along with most of my things." I say with a small shrug, turning a corner, to walk towards the stairs that led down into the training area. I walked down to them while saying, "I'll just use one of the swords here."

I stepped down the marble stone stairs, before walking over to a stand where some swords hung. I grabbed one, then led Bilbo over towards the middle of the grassy clearing. I passed the sword from one hand to the other, "Alright, let's make this a bit interesting." I held the sword in my dominant hand, placing it onto my shoulder saying, "Whenever you successfully pull a move, you can ask me a question which I will answer truthfully."

"That will never happen." Bilbo said bitterly, taking another bite out of his apple, finishing it off, before throwing it over his shoulder. He pulled his small sword out of its sheath, gripping the handle tightly with both hands.

I smile softly, ignoring his small comment, "However, If I knock the sword out of your hands. I get to ask you a question ... deal?"

"Deal." Bilbo responded, spreading out his feet, preparing for the attack. I nodded in approval, before charging forward, swinging my sword towards his head. Bilbo immediately moved his sword up to block my sword, the sound of my sword colliding into his echoed across the clearing.

"Good." I complimented, swinging my sword towards his chest which he blocked again, but this time he stumbled, landing on the ground, his sword bouncing out of his hands. I aimed my sword at his neck, "But you need to move your feet. You're small and quick, use that to your advantage."

I held out my free hand to him, he took it without hesitation, allowing me to pull him up to his feet. "Are you going to ask your question?" He asked, as I turned and moved a few feet away from him.

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