Chapter 35

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Saharia's POV

I let out a sigh, opening my eyes to watch the birds fly over me before flying up into the trees. My white hair flowing in the cool breeze, feeling my muscles relax as I took in the familiar forest. "Did I really get hurt this bad?" I questioned myself out loud as I strolled through the evergreen forest, pushing back the plants as I followed a thin dirt path. The day began to grow dark in a matter of minutes as I continued to follow the dirt path without pausing. The blue skies, filled with white puffy clouds transformed into a dark blue as twinkling stars scatter across the sky. As I continued to push onward the sky transformed for a second time as green and blue lights danced across the sky almost like fire. However this flame wasn't sporadic and excitable, instead it was calm and soothing, almost like the ocean bright sunny day.

I paused in my steps looking up at the sky, watching the dancing green and blue flames for a moment, a smile stretching across my features. "I can't really complain about being here. It's relaxing." I let out a sigh, taking in a deep breath of cool, fresh air. I then continued onward, stepping over tree roots, my cloak flowing behind me. I then walked between two willow trees, pushing their leaves out of the way, coming across a lake that reflected the sky perfectly. It almost looked as if a drop of the sky dripped down and landed in the clearing surrounded by beautiful willow trees that bloomed white and pink flowers.

I sat down, along mossy riverstones that created the bank around the lake. I then laid back in the grass, closing my eyes, feeling the breeze run across my skin as the trees swayed, their petals falling off, drifting slowly to the ground, none reaching the lake.

"To think I would find you here." My eyes shot open as I immediately jumped to my feet, drawing my sword as my gaze hardened at an elf looking man dressed in black armor, his almost white hair resting on his shoulders, amber eyes glowing in curiosity.

"Why are you here? I told you to leave me alone!?" I shouted, sliding into a fighting stance, ready to strike if the man even made a single move.

He took a few steps forward, raising his hands up in a surrender-like fashion. "I have no intention of harming you. I would never intentionally hurt a beautiful creature like yourself, you know that." He spoke in a deep calm tone.

"Not another step!" I snapped, raising my sword quickly, to where the tip touched his chest, not taking a chance despite his fancy words. "How are you here?" I growled, my eyes narrowing into a glare while his remained a sort of calmness. "No one but the dreaming or an injured mountain wolf can enter this realm."

"I believe you have your answer." He spoke, with a small smirk. "I have been trapped here for a while, but my soul still lives." He spoke as I slowly lowered my sword. "But now I'm slowly gaining my freedom."

"Then leave." I spoke with a roll of my eyes. "This place isn't for a dark being like you." I hissed, my nose wrinkling in disgust as anger burned in my gaze.

"I'm curious." He spoke completely ignoring my comment, as he looked out across the lake. "It only feels as if it has been a few years, when really it has been hundreds or even thousands of years since that measly human separated the ring from my body." He spoke, his tone becoming harsher as his hand clenched into a tight fist. "Why is that?"

"Why should I tell trash like you?" I scoffed, holding my head high, crossing my arms while keeping my sword firmly in my hand.

He chuckled, looking back over at me, adortion sparkling in his gaze, "I have missed that sharp tongue of yours. Sometimes it can be more deadly than your jaws." He took another step towards me to where I lifted the sword quickly and had the tip at his chest once again. "Come now, we are old friends." He spoke coming a few steps closer to which I responded by taking a few steps back. "I knew you would be angry but I didn't think you would be this angry or did I scare you before ... no. I don't scare you." He spoke, his eyes looking at me up and down trying to read me.

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