Chapter 14

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Thorin's POV

I begin to pace, everyone has reached the meeting point except for Saharia, Gandalf, and Bilbo. Gandalf and Bilbo were understandable, who knows how far the camp is from town. But Saharia is a different story. She should be here by now.

"Sorry for the delay." I turn to see Gandalf with Bilbo by his side, walking up to us. "The camp location is a bit far from here." He then looked around, "Where's Saharia?"

"That's what we were wonderin." Dwalin spoke from the spot where he sat.

"We have seen no sign of her since we separated." Kili stated in a worried tone, shaking his head slightly.

"Come now! We must find her." Gandalf states firmly. "Who knows what trouble she could've gotten herself into."

We started out by walking in the direction we watched her go, looking for any signs for her. "Could she have gotten distracted by something? She tends to do that when she finds something new." Bilbo cut in as he looked down an alleyway.

"Most likely, but she would have moved on eventually." Gandalf answered as he looked on the ground.

I then notice something out of the corner of my eye, I walk over seeing a few things on the ground. I bend down, shuffling through the items, seeing sharpening tools, spices, and even a writing utensil. Bilbo bent down beside me, picking up the spices to take a look at them. "These were the species I was telling Saharia about." Bilbo whispered.

I looked up, seeing a black smith sharpening a sword. I pick up the items before walking up to the man, gaining his attention. "Have you seen a woman, with white hair?" I questioned firmly.

"Yes, she was one of my customers." The man answered, looking up from sharpening his sword.

"Was she carrying these items?" I questioned further, worried beginning to fill my heart.

"Yes, along with a few spices." He answered with a nod.

Anger began to boil, as I turned around sharply stomping down to where the others were waiting. "Well, what did he say?" Kili questioned, his eyes shining with hope.

"These were hers." I answered in a growl. "Which means our Peace Keeper was kidnapped."

Saharia's POV

I groaned as my head began to pound, drowsiness seeming to come over my senses. I blinked open my eyes, feeling ropes rubbing against my wrists as I sat up. "Well, well, well, look who's awake." I heard someone say before my chin was grabbed roughly, forcing me to look up at the face of a man with a scar running down the side of his neck.

I struggled against my bonds around my ankles and wrists, but for some reason I couldn't break free. "Now, now, you aren't going anywhere." The male spoke with a sly grin.

"What ... did ... you do to me?" I questioned, each word was strained, as I hardly had enough strength to speak.  

"Oh we just gave ya a little medicine is all." He spoke with a smirk. "How a certain mix of paralyzers and tranquilizers would affect your species so greatly, especially in your lower forms."

I glared up at him, "Like ... I told your friend ... I have now idea what ... you are talking about." I say, trying to keep myself awake.

"Oh you can't hide from us ... your majesty." He spoke standing up straight. I look up at him with a raised eyebrow causing a smirk to form along his lips. "Oh yes, I know who you are. Each Mountain Wolf has a capability of turning into smaller creatures ... but you are the only one of your kind to have a chance into turning into one intelligent being." He then shook his head, "Terrible choice on your part, a dragon or an elf would've been a better choice."

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