Chapter 3

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"Saharia my dear, it is time for us to go." I break myself out of my daze, wiping the tears with the back of my hand. I look up at Gandalf, who looked down at me with a sad smile. "Morning already?" I ask, standing up from my spot on the stairs, walking down the rest of the way.

Gandalf nodded in response, a warm smile forming along his features. "The dwarves are waiting for us outside." He stated, before turning and walking away, I followed behind him before looking up the stairs towards the room where Bilbo sleeps.

"What about Bilbo?" I ask, looking back over at the old wizard.

"He said no, however... " He trailed off, gesturing with his head towards the contract that laid on the table, before winking at me.

"Clever wizard." I stated, knowing what he was getting at. I followed him out the door, pulling the hood over my head, but stopped when Gandalf placed his hand on my wrist. "No need for that anymore dear, I simply wanted to keep you a surprise from the dwarves." Gandalf spoke.

I nodded, taking my hands away from my hood. I followed him to a part of the shire where a herd of ponies waited, the dwarves packing their things on top of the small horses. "Saharia I found something of yours on the way back." I hear Gandalf say from behind me.

I turn to face him with curiosity glistening in my cobalt blue eyes, until I spot a familiar beige stallion with a long white mane. He had no saddle or reins, he neighed in welcome as his light brown eyes made contact with my blue ones. I smile brightly, opening up my arms for a hug, "Callon!"

The horse trotted up to me, allowing me to wrap my arms around his neck. He placed his head on my back, as a way of hugging me back. I then pull away saying, "It's been too long." I walk over to his side.

"How do you expect getting on the horse without a-"

Before Bofur could finish, I placed my hands on the front and the back of the horse, pulling myself up and swinging my legs around effortlessly. Landing on the back of Callon easily.

"Showoff." I hear Gandalf mutter.

"You're just jealous because you can't do that with your horse." I say with a smug grin.

Gandalf rolled his eyes, as he got up on his horse, sitting comfortably in the saddle.

"Let's go." I hear Thorin say firmly, as he took the lead onward, leading the way out of the Hobbit town and into the forest.

"Take the rear for me." Gandalf said, before trotting away on his horse to take the lead in front of Thorin once we reached the forest. I let the dwarves ride in front of me, before following from behind, a small smile on my face.

"So Saharia." Kili started, dropping back slightly so his pony could trot besides Callon. "What part did you take in this company?" He asked.

I look down at him confused, "What do you mean?"

"Like, how Biblo is or ... would have been, the burglar. Most of us are warriors and we have Thorin as our leader. Gandalf is the wizard." Fili explained, dropping back to where he was just in front of me, turning to look at me. "What is your title?"

"She is our peacekeeper." Gandalf answered from his place up front. "She has many connections among many people on Middle Earth, most she considers friends."

"I consider all of them my friends." I countered, glaring at the back of the old wizard.

"Really? That's not what you said when you were talking about Saruman a few years back." Gandalf pointed out, turning his head slightly, sending a small glance my way.

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