Chapter 28

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 I swum through the cold water with ease, the four dwarves sitting on top of my head, in between my golden antlers, as I headed towards the mountain. In all honesty, the look on their faces was priceless. "So ... you're a mountain wolf?" Kili questioned before he was smacked in the head by his older brother.

"No, she just happens to be a giant creature with a wolf-like head." Fili huffed, crossing his arms as Kili sent him a small glare.

"I don't understand ... why didn't you turn into this form before?" Bofur questioned, leaning back against my golden antler. "Like, I don't know ... when we were being chased by orcs?" He added with a shrug.

"Or when we were in the Goblin Cave?" Fili added.

"Or to just take us across the lake yourself like you're doing now?" Kili added, pushing himself to stand.

I let out a rumple, almost sounding similar to a chuckle as I spoke through their minds, "Because Gandalf asked me to only turn into my true form unless absolutely necessary. So far, I never really seen where my form would come in handy besides for luxury. But where is the fun in that?" I say, submerging my muzzle in the water, liking the feeling of the water moving around it, tickling my nose a bit.

The dwarves looked at one another before shrugging, understanding where I was coming from. Besides, Gandalf most likely requested her to do so for this moment. My gaze fell on the mountain, I could hear him, Smaug, his deep voice and roars reaching my ears. Rage began to coarse through my veins as I moved my muzzle out of the water as I began to swim a bit faster. Filif, Kilie, Bofur, and Oin looked at one another, feeling my usual calm aura turn into an angry one as we grew closer to the mountain.

I climbed out of the cold water once we reached shore, fluttering my wings a bit as if to shake away most of the water before beginning to make my way towards the mountain once more. "Hold on." I warned as I began to go at a slow trot, slowly gaining speed till I was going into a full sprint, reaching the mountain in a matter of minutes.

"Saharia charge full ahead towards the front!" Oin stated, pointing at the collapsed front entrance as he and the others began to slide down my neck to my back. I lined my head to my back, as I charged forward, clashing right into the stone shattering the wall, the whole mountain trembling in response. "Cover your ears." I say as I skid to a stop, the dust settling before I let out a battle cry roar just as the dwarves covered their ears. Letting Smaug know what kind of trouble he was in now.


Bilbo slipped off the ring just before running up the stairs, making his way towards the exit quickly, glancing behind him a few times looking out for the raging dragon. He rounded the corner, nearly bumping into Thorin, "You're alive!" Thorin spoke, seeming to relax a bit seeing Bilbo unharmed. 

 "Not for much longer." Bilbo stated, as Thorin put himself in front of him, stopping him from entering the corridor.

"Did you find the arkenstone?" Thorin questioned, looking down at the small hobbit, a dark look taking over his eyes.

"The dragon's coming!" Bilbo stated as he attempted to squeeze past Thorin deciding to tell him later.

"The arkenstone, did you find it?" Thorin questioned once more, his tone becoming firm and dark.

Bilbo blinked up at him, noticing Thorin's sudden change, hesitating for a moment before saying, "We have to get out." Bilbo tried to push his way past Thorin only to be stopped by Thorin's sword, Bilbo looking at Thorin confused.

"Thorin?" He questioned as he was forced to take a few steps, Thorin's blade pointing right at his chest pushing him further away from the corridor. "Thorin!?" Bilbo shouted, trying to snap Thorin out of whatever trance he was in. Bilbo then noticed movement out of the corner of his eye, looking behind Thorin to see Smaug stalking towards them, rage shining in his gaze.

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