Chapter 29

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Despite hearing the strange roar, Thorin moved forward as planned, to him it didn't sound like a dragon so that conclusion was out of the picture. With any luck it was just the sound of columns falling or a cave in, not a giant creature that could possibly swallow them whole. "This way!" He spoke as he led Balin and Bilbo forward, running across the bridge just before Smaug came to view.

"Flee! Flee!" Smaug growled as he made his way towards them, seeming to be in a rush to kill them. "Run for your lives! There is nowhere to hide!" He roared, as he charged straight ahead.

"Run!" Dori shouted, gaining the dragon's attention deciding they were closer and in reach. He turned his head to snap at them before another voice caught his attention.

"Hey, you! Here!" Dwalin called out from next to Nori, gaining Smaug's attention as he whipped his head around, glaring at the two dwarves before moving to grab them. He then sees movement out of the corner of his eye, seeing Bifur and Gloin running along the stone bridge, onto a stone platform.

Smaug's chest began to glow before he opened his mouth, breathing out hot flames causing the two dwarves to run faster as the stone began to show bright orange lines when heated. The both of them jumped onto the metal chutes, just in time to avoid the flames, sliding down them before landing into a metal crate.

Bilbo and Balin ran right behind Thorin, making their way to the forges as Smaug round the corner, growling. Before he chased after them he looked behind him, thumps, like the sound of paws hitting the floor could be heard. "I'm running out of time." He growled to himself, gaining Bilbo's attention as he looked up at him confused, taking note of the stress that held in his posture now.

Thorin turned his head as well just as Smaug turned his attention to them, letting out a growl before he began to open his mouth. Thorin then pulled Bilbo towards Balin, "Follow Balin!" He ordered.

"Thorin." Bilbo spoke, looking up at the dwarf with a confused yet alarmed stare.

"Come on!" Balin called out to Bilbo, grabbing his arm and pulling him into the hallway as Smaug shot out his flames, Thorin jumping right into a large hole, grabbing hold of a rope as he began to descend rapidly, he looked up as the rope came to a stope, dwalin stopping it, However he didn't have time to have the rope pull Thorin up as a dragon body flew into the hole, anger burning in Smaug's eyes along with a flicker of fear.

Thorin swingged on the rope, getting himself close to the wall clinging to it to avoid the dragon's body coming falling through. Thorin looked up seeing a large creature blocking the fight, feather wings rimmed with gold extended out slightly as it slowly climbed down, it's paw-like talons scraping against the stone, its gold antlers nearly bumping into the stone walls, a low soothing rumble coming from its throat as its cobalt blue eyes locked onto me.

"Thorin!" A familiar voice called out.

"Fili?" Thorin questioned as his eyes adjusted, seeing his oldest nephew standing in between the antlers of the beast holding out his hand.

"Climb on!" He called out as the creature moved it's muzzle right under Thorin's feet. Thorin hesitated for a moment, before stepping onto its wolf-like snout, slowly walking up to Fili taking his hand as Fili pulled him up.

"Alright Saharia lets go before Smaug recovers!" Kili exclaimed, keeping a firm grip of the gold lined scruff as I turned my body, gripping the walls tightly as I made my way towards the top.

"Saharia?" Thorin questioned, beginning to look around confused.

"We're riding her." Oin stated, gesturing to the back of my neck. "They're real Thorin ... Mountain Wolves. She is their queen."

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