Chapter 37

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Thorin moved swiftly across the landscape with Dwalin, Fili, and Kili behind him. He looked up towards the flags where Azog was just standing, seeing it empty. In fact the entire place was empty, something felt off. "It looks empty." Kili mumbled as he looked around with Fili at his side. "I think Azog has fled."

Thorin shook his head, "I don't think so." He took a few steps forward, his eyes scanning the ruins before turning to his nephews. "Fili take you brother. Scout the towers." He spoke gesturing to the towers laying before them. "Keep low and out of sight." He spoke firmly, "If you see something, report back. Do not engage. Do you understand?" The brothers nodded before a familiar screech echoed across the empty area as goblins climbed over the walls.

Thorin unsheathed his sword as Dwalin took out his axe, "We have company." Dwalin growled, his eyes locked on the goblins. "Goblin mercenaries. No more than a hundred." He got into a fighting stance as he readied his axe.

Thorin turned to the two brothers, "We'll take care of them. Go! Go!" Thorin shooed the brothers as Fili nodded, beginning to lead the way towards the towers.

"Come on!" he shouted back to Kili as they entered the ruins, splitting up in different directions as Fili spoke, "Stay here and search the lower levels." Before making his way up the towers.

Thorin and Dwalin fought off the goblins with ease, their bodies littering the icey ground as Thorin glared at the seemingly empty ruins. "Where are you orc filth?" He questioned as his eyes scanned over the ruins.

"Thorin." Bilbo called out silently as he climbed up the last few steps, Thorin and Dwalin turning around to see the small hobbit.

Thorin approached the hobbit with guilty eyes and a smile, "Bilbo-"

"You have to leave here now." Blibo interrupted before Thorin could say anything further. "Azog has an army attacking from the north. This watchtower will be surrounded." Bilbo spoke quickly, gesturing to the area around them as he spoke, his eyes wide with worry.

"With no way out." Thorin spoke as he began looking in the direction of north where he could see the large hill as if expecting an army marching over at that moment.

"We are so close." Dwalin spoke as he looked at Thorin, itching to finally get rid of Azog once and for all. "That orc scum is in there." Dwalin spat, glaring at the towers, the grip on his axe tightening. "I say we push on." Dwalin took a step forward however Thorin held out his arm stopping him.

"No. That's what he wants." Thorin stated as his eyes scanned the tower, lowering his arm before turning to Dwalin, "He wants to draw us in. This is a trap." Dwalin's eyes widened with realization as he glanced back at the towers before looking at Thorin. "Find Fili and Kili. Call them back." He ordered.

"Are you sure about this?" Dwalin questioned, Thorin hesitated for a moment before looking over at the ruins before looking back at Dwalin.

"Do it." He answered with a nod. "We'll live to fight another day." Thorin smiled at Dwalin.

Dwalin nodded, as he took a few steps to get to the ruins while Bilbo and Thorin took a few steps forward before they all stopped as the sound of drumming reached their ears. They turned around to see an orange glow through the openings in the ruins as Azog and some of his men came out of hiding at the top, Azog dragging Fili by the back of his shirt.

Bilbo looked on in horror as Thorin's eyes widened, running towards the edge. "This one dies first." Azog spoke in black tongue, holding Fili over the edge "Then the brother." Azog continued as Kili looked up from where he was standing in the doorway, seeing his brother dangling helplessly in Azog's grip. "Then you, Oakenshield." He growled as Thorin stopped at the edge with his sword at his side, Bilbo and Dwalin catching up to him as they all watched helplessly as Azog raised the arm where a blade was attached where his hand should be, pointing it at Fili's back.

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