Chapter 20

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I walk into the tree-like palace, waving to the guards as I pass. I find Thranduil talking to a few high elves, a small smile on his face as he spoke. I feel someone grab my wrist, pulling me behind a pillar. I was about to speak until I found a teenage Legolas with a finger placed over his lips, before gesturing with his head towards his father.

I look up at him confused before asking silently, "What are you doing?"

"Father is seeking guidance with the high elves about something." Legolas informed me, not taking his eyes off the small group of elves.

"But he never seeks guidance from them, at least not after what they did before, usually he asks me if there is something on his mind." I say, looking over towards the small group of elves, my eyes landing on Thranduil.

"That's what makes this so strange." Legolas spoke before saying, "Now keep quiet."

"Don't have to tell me twice." I say, straining my ears to try and listen into the conversation.

"Are you sure this is a smart move your majesty?" One of the high elves questioned, looking at Thranduil with uncertainty.

"Yes, imagine having her kind in our gene pool, we will become unstoppable." Thranduil spoke calmly yet firmly.

"I understand you lost your wife and you want to protect your son at all costs but ... I don't think an arranged marriage is going to go well. Both sides, or rulers, have to agree and lady -"

"I came to you for guidance not opinionated comments. Saharia and Legolas will marry." Thranduil spoke causing me to freeze, my eyes widened as I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

Legolas's eyes widened, as he pulled me away just as I was about to make myself known, dragging me out of the palace and away from his father. "Why?" I whimpered once we were out in the forest just outside the two large doors. "I thought we were friends." I spoke as I sniffled, hugging myself as tears slipped out of the corners of my eyes.

Callon came trotting up to me, nuzzling his muzzle against my face, letting out a soft neigh as if to comfort me. Legolas stood frozen, still comprehending his father's words before shaking his head. "You have to leave." Legolas spoke, placing a hand on my shoulder. "My father will not take no as an answer."

I sniffled before nodding, "Ok." I spoke softly, climbing up onto Callon's back. "What about you?" I ask, looking down at Legolas.

"I will be fine." Legolas spoke with a soft smile.

"Legolas!" I hear Thranduil call out.

"Go! Quickly!" Legolas spoke urgently, patting Callon's neck before Callon bolted towards the forest.

I look behind, watching as Legolas disappears in the distance, Thranduil walking out of the doors to stand beside his son. I turn back to face forward, closing my eyes tightly to try and hold back the tears. Then anger replaced the sadness, as I spoke in a growl, "I hope I'll never see that b**tard ever again." 


It's been at least a day since I've been stuck inside the room, I haven't slept since I entered this place, too anxious to sleep. I turn my head towards the door when I hear it open seeing Thranduil enter the room. I glared in his direction as he placed a plate of roast chicken and a small bowl of blueberries along with a chalice filled with water, on top of the bed.

"I figured you are hungry. You look a bit weak my friend." He spoke in a friendly tone.

"You aren't my friend." I corrected, speaking in a growl as I turned away from him.

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