Chapter 13

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"Saharia! Slow down you are still injured!" Thorin shouted as I ran ahead, just glad to finally be aloud on my feet again. Bilbo, Fili, and Kili followed after me as I ran around the forest laughing, each one of them trying to keep up to make sure I wouldn't "hurt" myself. "God you are a child." Thorin grumbled with a shake of his head.

"Relax Thorin, I'm completely healed. You on the other hand need to be careful." I countered, skidding to a stop in front of him. "You opened your wounds three times already in the past few days."

"The lass has a point there." Dwalin spoke from next to Thorin, who looked over at him. Dwalin just shrugged, "What? It's the truth."

Thorin simply let out a sigh, looking back over at me which smiled at him, before running off once more, going into the bushes. "Bilbo look!" I called out to the small hobbit, picking up a small rodent that had spikes covering its back, not to mention adorable.

"What is it?" Bilbo questioned behind me.

"I don't know? But it's so cute!" I exclaimed, turning around to show him the small creature in my hands, which was now sniffing my wrist, seeming more curious than scared.

Bilbo chuckled lightly, "That's a hedgehog Saharia." My eyes widen, before looking down at the creature which Bilbo called a hedgehog.

"Have you never seen one before?" Fili asked, walking through the bushes, looking at me confused.

I shake my head, "Nope ... what are these spikes for?" I question, pointing to the spikes on the back, ignoring Fili's confused stare.

"To protect itself from predators." Bilbo answered with a small smile, walking up to my side.

"Interesting." I say, stroking the spikes gently. "I have to show the others!" I exclaimed before running out of the bushes, before Bilbo or Fili could stop me, surprising Thorin as he halted to a stop, preventing himself from crashing into me. Bilbo and Fili following right behind me, "Look what I found! I found a ... a..." A small frown formed along my lips as I turned to look at Bilbo and Fili with a confused look.

"A hedgehog." Fili spoke with a small chuckle.

"A hedgehog!" I repeated with excitement, looking back at the others.

"That is very interesting dear, now go put it back where you found it so it can go home." Gandalf said with a small smile, leaning on his staff slightly.

I let out a small sigh, my shoulders slouching, "Ok." I walk back into the forest, going to the spot where I found the hedgehog, placing it down on the ground, watching it walk away from my hands, turning back to look at me for a moment before disappearing into the brush.

"C'mon Saharia! We are close to the town!" I hear Gandalf call out, I walk out of the forest, wishing I still had my journal to draw the hedgehog in. I joined the company, walking by Bilbo's side, my other side was Thorin.

"Here." I turned my head to see Kili with my book in his hands, "I was able to get a hold of it after I grabbed your sword." He explained with a bright smile.

I smile brightly at him saying, "Thank you!" I then opened the journal, however, I couldn't find my writing utensil, letting out a small sigh, deciding to see if I could find one in the town. Instead, I looked through the pages to make sure I didn't have the hedgehog in there already, shuffling through the book.

"Did you start drawing us yet?" Kili questioned, causing Thorin to look over with a confused look.

"Yep! I just finished Fili and started drawing you." I answered, looking over at Kili.

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