Chapter 12

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Thorin's POV

I throw dried wood into the fire, watching the flames engulf the planks of wood. I look up towards the darkening sky, guilt and worry settled deep within my heart. I couldn't help but look over where Saharia laid with Oin checking up on her every now and then. She still hasn't woken up from the time she passed out to when we travelled down here to make camp.

I look over at Bilbo who had remained by Saharia's side since she collapsed, refusing to leave her side for even a moment. Fili and Kili themselves, would walk over and watch over her before they went out hunting a few moments ago. Gandalf himself sat beside Bilbo, puffing on a pipe as he grumbled words I couldn't understand, glancing over at the unconscious woman every now and then. Seeming to wait for her to wake up in order to give her a rough lecture.

"How is she Oin?" I questioned, as Oin stepped back away from her.

"She was doing ok." Oin stated with a frown. "Her armor protected her from most of the damage." Oin gestured to the eleven armor on the ground.

"But?" I egged on, just wanting him to get to the point.

"But ... I believe one of her wounds is starting to become infected." Oin stated with a small sigh, glancing over towards Saharia. Gandalf stood up onto his feet, walking out towards the edge of camp.

"Where are you going?" I hear Bilbo question, not moving from his spot besides Saharia.

"There is a town close to here. I can buy medical supplies from there." Gandalf responded, continuing to walk into the forest.

I ran over to catch up with him, "Let me come with you."

"You need to stay here. Besides I will be much faster on my own." Gandalf stated. "Besides I need to clear my mind." He added as he disappeared behind the brush.

I let out another sigh, looking down towards the ground, before looking back over at Saharia, worry glistening in my eyes as beads of sweat poured down her forehead. "She's heating up." Balin commented, wiping away the sweat from her forehead.

Hours pass, Fili and Kili got back with a few rabbits they hunted, but no one ate, as most were too worried for our female friend. "The goblin king spoke of her being a queen." Dwalin commented as he was sharpening his axe.

"A queen?" Bilbo questioned, looking up at us confused.

Fili gave him a small nod before looking back over at the rest of us saying, "But a queen for whom? I don't remember any man kingdoms with a queen named Saharia."

"Not to mention man doesn't put woman into power without a king." Kili added, a disappointed look flashing across his face, looking down at Saharia.

I glanced over towards Bilbo, seeming a knowing look pass across his face, before disappearing quickly. So quickly I thought I imagined it. "Which means she has a king." Bofur spoke with a sigh, smoking on his pipe, seeming slightly agitated.

"I can assure you master Bofur, Saharia is very much single." I whirl around seeing Gandalf, seeming slightly out of breath as he carried a pack with him. Oin walked up to him, taking the pack from his hands, before walking back over to Saharia quickly, getting to work immediately.

Some of the dwarves let out a sigh of relief, even I relaxed a bit hearing she was ruling alone, no king was by her side. I walked back over to Saharia's side, ignoring the conversation going on behind me, and instead watched Oin at work.

Bilbo's POV

I drag my hands through Saharia's soft white hair, a small smile forming along my lips as Saharia is now breathing normally after Oin's treatment. Unlike the others, I couldn't bring myself to fall asleep, so I volunteered to be the first watch.

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