Their Kouhai »» 26

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A/N:Ahhh, I feel like it's been a long time since I updated this story... Well, to answer you why I haven't been updating this lately, it's because I feel like I'm falling out of love of Haikyuu! I don't want to admit it since Haikyuu was literally the ✨B E S T✨ anime I ever watched, well maybe not, but I've been hooked on this anime real bad and I dunno why this is happening to me. So while I try to revive my adoration(lol) in haikyuu, maybe I'll put this story in Hiatus. I promise I won't abandon this story since I know a lot of you actually like this story--or not...? What do you guys think?


Classes are finally over for today and students started walking towards their own destined clubs.

"Aoyuki, aren't you coming with us?" Yamaguchi turned to Aoyuki after slinging his bag on his shoulder.

Tsukishima sighed loudly, clearly intending for Aoyuki to hear him, "Why did you have to ask her Yamaguchi? And here I thought I'm finally having a good day."

Aoyuki frowned at Tsukishima, zipping her bag close and slinging it to her shoulder. She pivoted to turn towards the duo, her eyes snapped towards the condescending honey-gold eyes which narrowed once her eyes connected with his.

"It's a real surprise that you actually managed to have a good day considering your crapped steeped sewage of a personality." (A/n: Anyone recognizes the dialogue? No? It came from a discount pikachu---okay I'll stop now •×•) Aoyuki flashed Tsukishima a tight lipped smile, her eyes crinkling tauntingly. Before Tsukishima could even retaliate, Aoyuki turned towards Yamaguchi who's sweat dropping, she then flashed the freckled guy a sweet smile making Yamaguchi's ears turn a tad bit red.

"I'm going to ask Michimiya-san if I could practice with you today first." She answered Yamaguchi's question earlier, making the said guy nod his head in understanding.

Aoyuki looked at Tsukishima who's eyebrow raised after seeing her eyes squinting ever so lightly at him, then she turned her back on them and walk out of the classroom.

Aoyuki turned the knob of the girl's VBC clubroom door and pushed it open. She was immediately greeted by the sight of her teammates currently dressing out of their school uniform and into the club's, which consists of white T-shirt with Karasuno High School printed in black letters on the left part of the chest, black shorts and white shoes, very much like the boys' clothes. After the Inter-High prelims, all the girls started attending in morning and afternoon practices almost every day, and Aoyuki is very much thankful about the development.

"Hey." She smiled at the girls.

"Aoyuki-chan! Are you going to practice with the boys today again?" Michimiya asked with a light smile, currently shrugging her black blazer off her shoulders. The others were silent, waiting for Aoyuki's answer.

The first year libero shifted on her feet uncomfortably, looking down at her school shoes.

"Uhm... it okay for me to practice with them, captain?" Aoyuki quickly added, "It's okay if you don't want to!"

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