Their Kouhai »» 06

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"I'm Kamiyui Aoyuki, a first year. Nice to meet you." I bowed. In front of me was the whole member of girl's volleyball club.

"So this is the girl you've been talking about?" A girl with short light brown hair and yellow clips on the side of her head said at Michimiya-san, before looking at me, "Hello, I'm Sasaki Chizuru, but you can call me Aya! I'm a third year and I'm a wing spiker." Aya-san smiled at me and we shook hands.

After the rest of the members introduced their selves, we decided to play to test my abilities. I told them that all I know is how to receive, heck I can't even do a proper serve!

Rinko-san served, and the ball flew towards us. I took a stance and received the ball perfectly sending it to Michimiya-san who set the ball to our ace,


Aihara-san spiked the ball, breaking through the other side's block, earning us a point.

"All right!" They cheered, but stopped after seeing me just standing.

"Aoyuki-chan, we're supposed to be celebrating!" Michimiya-san told me and beckoned me to them, Aya-san giggled.

"All right!" We cheered. I can't help but to feel energized and pumped up after that! It feels like a team thing!

It's my turn to serve, and I was a little bit nervous. I mean, I literally have no idea how to do a serve. Sawamura-san had told me about some ways of serving, under hand serve and jump serve (A/n: no idea wtf I'm saying).

"Aoyuki-chan, nice serve!" Michimiya-san called out.

I took a quick breath, before tossing the ball into the air and jumping. The lower part of my palm bumped the ball, after I landed I watched the ball wobble in the air.

"Got it!" Watabe-san, our libero, announced as she took a receiving position. Our eyes widened when the ball slammed into her face.

"Watabe-san!!" I shrieked, horrified. Then we all went towards her who was sprawled on the floor.

"I'm so sorry--"

"That was awesome! You didn't told me you knew how to do a jump float serve!" Watabe-san jumped back to life, looking excited. "I completely misjudged that! When I thought I totally got it, all I saw was the ball!"

"Jump float...serve?" I tilted my head.

"The one you just did." Michimiya-san piped in, smiling.

My mouth formed an 'o'. So that's float serve.

"I didn't know. I guess that's just pure luck." I mean, what else could that mean?

Turns out, I'm right. That float serve was just a fluke, since I kept messing my serves. And so, we continued playing until the classes started.

"All here?" Boy's volleyball coach, Ukai-san, asked everyone.

"Yes!" They answered. I unconsciously inched closer towards Azumane-san when I saw Ukai-san looking straight at me.

"Who's she?" His eyebrows raised, giving me a puzzled look.

"Ah, she's Kamiyui Aoyuki. Is it okay for her to join us, coach? She's just a newbie when it comes to volleyball, but she has potential." Sawamura-san explained, Ukai-san agreed.

"The practice match against Nekoma will be in four days. Inter-high preliminaries will be soon after. We've got not time, but you guys are full of holes. Since that's the case, there's only one way for you to win. Practice. Practice. And practice. Save the ball even if you have to barf." Ukai-san told the team.

No ones POV

And so, they started their drills starting with receives. It's finally Aoyuki's turn.

Ukai spiked the ball and Aoyuki easily received it.

"Nice receive, Aoyuki!" She heard the boys cheer for her.

Ukai spiked another and Aoyuki was quick on her feet to receive the ball. Ukai spiked again, this time he purposely aimed far from her, yet Aoyuki had no trouble popping it back up. Ukai spiked another one and Aoyuki dove to save the ball and she did. Quickly, Ukai spiked once more. The boys' eyes went wide seeing how far and quick the ball was. Aoyuki jumped back to her feet and dashed after the ball, before successfully receiving it, letting out an 'oof!' once she fell on the floor with a thud.

"That's five successful receives." Kiyoko announced.

Aoyuki stand up and Nishinoya was immediately beside her,

"Aoyuki that was awesome!!" Nishinoya threw his hands into the air, eyes sparkling.

"Noya-san's right! You were like baam! Pwoosh! Boom!" Hinata followed, flailing his hands to back his words up.

"That's amazing, Aoyuki." Kageyama told her, his expression still the same yet they could see that he's really amazed.

"Oi save that for later! Next, spiking!" Ukai called out at the group, jumping down from the stool.


Suga and Kageyama was setting for the members, Ukai was standing on the side to observe them. Reacting towards Asahi and Hinata's spike, then it was Aoyuki's turn.

Kageyama tossed the ball into the air and Aoyuki ran, the ends of her ribbons trailing behind her in two black blur, she jumped and smacked the ball down.

"Nice kill!" She heard the boys.

"Are you sure this is your first time playing volleyball?" Ukai asked, looking doubtful. He was really impressed. Not only she could receive properly, she has power in her spike too, just not that powerful since she's still a newbie but still powerful. Just like Hinata's spikes.

"Y-yes sir! I've played various sports before so I'm in pretty good shape." Aoyuki answered. Yes, even though she doesn't look like it, she's pretty athletic. When all they see is a slightly thin girl, she has a lot of strength, not just that obvious. She could probably knock someone just by punching them even though she looked frail.

"I still have to get my clothes. You can go ahead." Aoyuki told the group. The club was already finished and they're going to the training camp house.

"Eh? Are you sure? It's already dark and you have no idea where it is!" Suga said worriedly, the boys agreed.

"At least let us accompany you." Daichi suggested.

"I'll go with Aoyuki-chan!" Hinata was already by Aoyuki's side.

"No! I'll go with Aoyuki!" Nishinoya argued.

"Not a chance! It will be me!" Tanaka protested

"Quiet down!" Daichi had had enough, and it was enough to shut the trio.

"Seriously, guys. I'll be fine, besides Kiyoko-san told me where we'll be staying. I'll be there before you could even say Illuminati." Aoyuki reassured them.

"Illumination." Some of the boys said, which made her chuckle.

In the end, they agreed reluctantly.

Aoyuki entered just as everyone were starting to eat dinner.

"Oh, Aoyuki-chan! Glad you made it safely." Suga waved at her, she waved back and took a seat beside Kiyoko.

"Where are your bags, Kamiyui?" Takeda asked her, seeing as she entered without her bags insight.

"Ah, I dropped it to Kiyoko-san's house. I'll be sleeping there." Aoyuki said with a nod.

Nishinoya and Tanaka sulked after hearing that. They were hoping that they could hopefully spend some time with Aoyuki and that she could sleep with them. But alas, fate has other plans.

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