Ignoring the dull pain on her side, Aoyuki haphazardly toss the ball into the air, took two steps forward and swung her arm, hitting the ball with too much force.
Aya's eyes widened in panic as she saw the ball zoom towards her in insane speed once again, bending her knees. She winced, feeling the unusually painful sting on her wrists as the ball completely took a sharp turn to the right the moment it land on her wrists, before forced to take a few step back and falling down on her butt.
The only sound that can be heard in the second gym was the ball bouncing on the floor for a few seconds, before coming to a complete stop. Leaving the gym in silence.
"Okay, that's it!" The silence was broken when Watabe marched up to Aoyuki with heavy steps. Aoyuki only side eyed the approaching second year, completely apathetic.
"You got a problem? If you have, say it!" Watabe stopped in front of the first year who ended up staring her down, seeing as Aoyuki was taller than her.
Michimiya walked up to Aya and helped her stand up, Rinko on the other hand came up behind the second year libero and put a calming hand on her shoulder.
"Come on, Watabe, cut it out."
"No! I have no idea when and how she learned to perform a strong serve like that, but she has to dial it down a bit!" Watabe shrugged Rinko's hand roughly, looking back at Aoyuki who seemed unfazed with her fury. "Because some of us here ain't as talented as you!"
"Watabe, enough!" Aihara had to step in, slightly pushing Watabe away from Aoyuki. Once she was satisfied of the distance between the two, she looked at the younger girl.
"Aoyuki, what the hell is your deal? I have no idea how you learned to serve like that, but you're seriously letting out whatever's happening to you on us?"
Yes, ever since they started practicing today, Aoyuki had done nothing but execute a serve and even stronger serve. Aya and Moe who has been practicing their receives with her actually started to get really nervous. Even though Aoyuki's serves were either 120 percent deadly precision or just plain out 0, the power in every serve she inserted is still pretty intimidating.
And the girls, especially Watabe, had enough of their youngest and only first year member acting like a total ass out of nowhere.
Aoyuki dropped her apathetic mask, replacing it with a colder one. She turned away from them, "Nothing."
Watabe scoffed, throwing her arms in the air in disbelief. Rinko gave her a pacifying look.
"Stop fooling us, Aoyuki. Everyone with an eyeball can see that you're angry." Aihara continued on a calm note, "Come on."
Aoyuki let a beat pass, before she started walking towards the cart where the balls are, shutting Aihara out completely.
The girls looked at each other, some worried, while some annoyed (which is just Watabe).
Aoyuki was currently bouncing a ball with too much force when Michimiya finally decided to speak up.
"It's because of me not allowing you to join the guys anymore, right?" The loud sound of bouncing ball stopped. Michimiya continued, "I have to do it, Aoyuki. Who's to say that that is the last time that you're going to be hurt in their care?"
"It wasn't their fault." It was almost inaudible, but since the gym was already shrouded in silence, the others were able to hear it. "It was mine."
Michimiya remained quiet, before letting out a heavy sigh.
"I hate to do this because I know how happy you are whenever you're around those guys, but I won't forgive myself if you got hurt again because I allowed you to go back to them." Michimiya approached Aoyuki who stood completely silent, looking down while holding the ball on her hands.

Their Kouhai [A Haikyuu!! Fanfiction]
Fanfiction"Looks like everyone wants to be my senpai~!" Karasuno owns her, yet other schools were fighting for her. Can a black flimsy jacket and a group of twelve volleyboys could really ward the others off of everyone's favorite kouhai? ⭐★⭐★⭐★ DISCLAIMER:...