Michimiya clapped her hands, immediately gaining the attention of the rest of the girls currently doing drills.
"Okay girls! That's enough. Let's play a match." She announced, smiling slightly as some of the girls whooped.
A few weeks ago, she wouldn't have thought that these girls would ever be as enthusiastic in playing volleyball just like now. Back then, they were too lazy and uncommitted in volleyball, just seeing it as a mandatory club. But now, there hasn't been a time where they were incomplete. Except for Aoyuki who sometimes pop here and there whenever she wasn't practicing with the guys.
However, starting from now, Aoyuki would be practicing with the girls.
Michimiya grouped them, with Watabe, Moe and Rinko on her team. While Aihara, Aoyuki, Manami and Aya are the other team.
Since the net was already set up, they positioned themselves, with Team Aihara serving first.
"Let's play!"
Manami served, the ball going smoothly over the net.
"Got it!" Watabe directed the ball to Moe who shuffled her feet to adjust and tossed the ball to Rinko.
Aihara and Manami jumped for the block, Manami's right hand got blown back when the ball bounced from it and into the air.
Aoyuki took a few steps back and bent her knees, wrists out. The ball bouncing from it and towards Manami who jumped and set to Aihara.
Aihara swung her arms just when Michimiya and Moe jumped to block her. The ball only grazing their fingertips, before soaring towards the floor. Watabe tried to dig it but failed.
"Yes!" Aihara pumped her fist and clapped Manami's hand, turning to Aya and Aoyuki she also clapped their hands.
"As usual, nice receive." Manami grinned at Aoyuki who only nodded her head.
Manami went to the back line to serve once more. She tossed the ball in the air and served the ball which went over the net safely.
Rinko passed the ball to Moe who set the ball to Michimiya. Aihara and Manami jumped as the same time as Michimiya. The ball bounced from Aihara's arm and back into them. Luckily, Watabe managed to save it before it could land on their floor by doing a dive.
"Watabe nice!" Moe cheered, Rinko directed the ball to her.
"Moe get the last!"
"Okay!" Moe ran up to the net, jumped and swing her arm for a straight, with Manami blocking her. The ball went beside Manami's arms and out the white line.
Moe rubbed her head as she turned to look at her team, smiling sheepishly. "Gomen!"
"Don't mind!" Michimiya clapped her hands.
Team Aihara: 23 |1| Team Michimiya: 20
"I got it!" Aya stepped to the left and received the ball, her improvement can be seen as the ball was directed to Manami decently.
Manami shuffled to the right and set the ball to Aihara who ran up to the net and jumped, swinging her arm and breaking through Michimiya's block. Watabe too late to save the ball, which gained team Aihara another point.
"We're already in the match point! We gonna win!" Manami pumped her fists, excited.
"It's not over until you've reached 25, you know?" Michimiya who was in front of her raised an amused eyebrow, the net between them.

Their Kouhai [A Haikyuu!! Fanfiction]
Fanfiction"Looks like everyone wants to be my senpai~!" Karasuno owns her, yet other schools were fighting for her. Can a black flimsy jacket and a group of twelve volleyboys could really ward the others off of everyone's favorite kouhai? ⭐★⭐★⭐★ DISCLAIMER:...