Their Kouhai »» 66

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A/n: Okay, I know I know, I'm still alive y'all. Hear me out, I've just started college and dAmN, it's soOoOOo fun HAHAHA. Anyways, let's just cut this short since I know some of you are actually waiting for this update ever since I last uploaded a chapter so.....yah. also, I'm sorry but this is just a short chapter because I'm too mentally drained HAHA. Enjoy reading everyone and don't forget to drink water and take care of yourself ✨


“One more, nice serve!” Daichi called out towards her, facing the net.

The whistle blew, and Aoyuki bounced the ball down the floor a few times, before doing the same exact thing she did before serving. As usual, the serve came for the libero in a bee-line. However, Fukurodani’s libero managed to receive the ball when it curved, already expecting for it and was totally ready for it.

“Nice receive, Watari!” Akaashi called out, raising his arms as he set the ball towards Fukurodani’s #3. Nishinoya tried receiving the ball but failing.

The whistle blew, indicating for Fukurodani’s point.


Nishinoya turned to his team with an apologetic look, “Damn it, I’m sorry! It was our chance to turn things around...”

“Don’t mind, don’t mind!” Daichi gave the libero a smile.

Aoyuki nodded her head, “Nice try, Noya-senpai!” Nishinoya was then switched by Hinata because of the rotation.

As everyone went back to their position, they all watched as Bokuto started walking towards the back end of the court with the ball in his hand while saying, “All right! I’m gonna blow them all away with my serve! I can’t let Yuki-chan be the only one to execute a perfect service ace!”

Aoyuki sweatdropped, feeling like something is not right with her senpai. I mean, he’s being extra confident....and I don’t mean that in a good way.

Akaashi stared after Bokuto’s back thoughtfully, he then called out, “Bokuto-san, stay calm.”

“I am calm!” Came the almost snap reply.

See? Even Akaashi-san is worried. Aoyuki bit her bottom lip worriedly and slightly bent her knees to get ready once seeing Bokuto starting to bounce the ball down the floor.

The whistle blew.

“All right, here I go!” and with that, Bokuto tossed the ball into the air and jumped, serving the ball with power only for it to slam into the net missing literally inches away from Akinori’s head who went pale.

Bokuto fell down on his knees and clutched his hair in frustration, “Damn it! I’m sorry!”

“Calm down.” Watari reminded with a smile.

Akaashi slightly raised his hand, “Don’t worry about it, Bokuto-san.”

It’s Daichi’s turn to serve, and Aoyuki remembered something Daichi said just right before the quick break continued earlier.

“Their #4 can hit anywhere, so we’re gonna use our serves and try to keep him in check.”

Daichi served, the captain cursing internally once realizing that he aimed too far in the back and the ball might result in an out. But thankfully Bokuto did a dive to receive the ball.

Bokuto propped himself up and practically demanded, “Give it to me! I’ll finish this in one hit!”

Akaashi stared after the ball, gears turning in his head about how Bokuto might react if Akaashi did toss the ball to him but misses or get blocked instead, or if Akaashi didn’t toss the ball to Bokuto. In the end, he chose the most least annoying choice.

“Bokuto-san!” Akaashi set the ball towards Bokuto.

Daichi, Hinata and Asahi went for the block.

“Three man block!” Fukurodani’s #3 announced.

Bokuto ran towards the net, “All right!” and he spiked, only for the ball to bounce from the wall Karasuno did and back towards Fukurodani’s court. Bokuto tsk-ed.

“Got it!” Fukurodani’s libero received the ball and directed it towards Akaashi.

Bokuto took several steps back to get himself ready, once again demanding, “One more time, Akaashi!”

Akaashi deadpanned, but nonetheless set the ball to Bokuto once more, “Here!”

Bokuto ran towards the net, “All right!”

As Daichi, Hinata and Asahi huddled up to block Bokuto, Asahi spoke, “This time, we’re gonna stop it!”

daichi nodded his head and took the lead, “Ready, and...” they jumped just as Bokuto spiked the ball.

Aoyuki first thought that Karasuno’s blockers were successful in stopping Bokuto’s spike, but she noticed the net moving, and her mind went blank.

The ball landed on Fukurodani’s court, and everyone stared at it until the whistle blew.

“Yosha!” the karasuno cheered.

Karasuno: 21 l l Fukurodani: 20

“Wow, Karasuno turned it around!” one of the Ubugawa players assigned to keep tabs of the score marvelled. “Isn’t this the first time this week Karasuno has taken the lead?”

His other Ubugawa teammate standing on the other side of the score board nodded his head, equally amazed, “It could be.”

Yachi looked curiously towards Kiyoko, “W-was that a block?”

Kiyoko lightly shook her head, “No... It didn’t seem to make it over the net, so it was spike miss.”

Aoyuki, as well as the rest of the Karasuno members in the court, watched as Bokuto remained standing where he landed after spiking, the ball a few inches away from his shoes. He remained looking down and silent.

The fukurodani members looked at each other knowingly, then their expressions turned exasperated. Aoyuki titled her head, noticing the exchange between the Fukurodani members and puzzled with the team’s silence as they all stared back at Bokuto’s back almost expectantly.

Are they waiting for something to happen..? Aoyuki can’t help but to ask herself.

“Akaashi...” Bokuto mumbled, voice low. He then slowly raised his left hand as if he was about to form his hand into a fist, but instead he pointed at his team who are standing behind him without looking at them. Aoyuki could see that Bokuto’s eyes were shut closed tightly as he pointed at his team. “Don’t toss to me anymore!”

“What the...” Was all Daichi could say, currently huddled up with his team.

What the indeed, Daichi-san. Aoyuki can only stare at Bokuto with furrowed eyebrows. What’s he talking about?

Akaashi stared at Bokuto with the most unreadable expression Aoyuki ever seen him do before, he then said casually. “All right.”

Bokuto flinched, “Huh?”

Akaashi turned his back on Bokuto, but called out after his shoulder, “Then please calm down in the time that I’m not tossing to you.” Then he jogged towards the rest of the team, leaving a dumbfounded Bokuto.

Takeda perked up, “Does this mean our chance has arrived?”

Ukai smiled confidently, arms crossed, “Yeah! We can win this match!”

“I don’t know what’s going on, but their ace doesn’t seem to be doing well.” Daichi said to his team, “Let’s keep it up!”


Just what the hell is going on with Bokuto-senpai? And why did Akaashi-san agreed to Bokuto-san...? Aoyuki can only stare with furrowed eyebrows at her white and black haired senpai who looked like he didn’t know why he was standing on the court.

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