Their Kouhai »» 72

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A/n: Hello :> I am back with a 3 thousand and 600 plus words update. This chapter is fairly long, and it might have some typo since I haven't checked it yet, published this right after finishing it lmao. Also, to those who like action, you're welcome *wink*. Anyways, let's get on with the chapter, if you'll like this chapter or not, we'll see.


Aoyuki stood beside Akaashi as the two watched everyone started on cleaning up the hill where they had their barbecue party

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Aoyuki stood beside Akaashi as the two watched everyone started on cleaning up the hill where they had their barbecue party. It was loud and definitely messy, how everyone was cleaning up. But it is a part of being a teenager, being loud and messy and carefree.

Akaashi tilted his head to look at the first year beside him, raising his eyebrow a little in question, “What’s wrong, Aoyuki?”

The aforementioned girl turned to look at the Fukurodani setter, a surprised look on her eyes which was later on replaced with a puzzled one, “Huh? What do you mean, Akaashi-san?”

The setter spoke, “You just let out one of the heaviest sigh I have ever heard, and that is saying something because I’ve heard Bokuto-san sigh a lot whenever he’s in his emo mode.”

Aoyuki blinked, “Did I?” then she let out a small laugh, looking down her feet in a dejected way. “I guess I did...”

“Is there something wrong? Are you still in pain?” Akaashi turned his whole body towards her, his full attention now on her.

The girl shook her head no, before speaking in a mumbled voice, “I’m just... a little bit disappointed.”

The setter heard her, “Disappointed? About what?”

“About not being able to get past Kuroo-senpai’s block.” Aoyuki let out a sigh, “Bokuto-senpai even believed that I'll be able to do it. Now Kuroo-senpai is probably gonna make fun of me...”

“Ah, I see now.” Akaashi hummed thoughtfully. Well, he do remember Bokuto saying that he thinks Aoyuki will be able to get past Kuroo's block by the day this training camp was over. But, she wasn’t able to do that, she was always being blocked by Kuroo in every single spike, which made her mood plummet down even more.

“Plus the fact that I wasn’t able to block Bokuto-senpai’s spikes, too!” The first year ran her palm on her face, dropping both her shoulders and letting it sag lifelessly on her sides, “Damn, what did I even achieve these past days? What a failure.”

Akaashi was definitely surprised by this. What is this girl even talking about? Out of all the players in this training camp, she was the one who grew the most, Akaashi has seen it with his own eyes. The way she listened to her mentors with rapt attention, absorbing the information like a sponge and immediately finding ways to be able to apply it in practice or even match. Yes, Aoyuki wasn’t able to get past Kuroo’s blocks, nor be able to block Bokuto’s spikes, but the number of players she had managed to block or get past their block, was a lot. Akaashi can still remember how Aoyuki actually managed to block Nekoma’s ace, Yamamoto Taketora, and almost always get past Shinzen’s blocks with her spikes. So really, Akaashi had no idea why Aoyuki thinks she had failed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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