Their Kouhai »» 35

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A/n: Hello guys it's meeee! First of all, even though its like, suuuuper late now, I'd like to thank everyone who greeted me a happy birthday! Also, I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I mean, you know me guys, I just update this story whenever I can. Anyways, what's important is that the update is here now.


“Cover! Cover!”

“Two blockers!”

“Right!” Yamamoto jumped and spiked the ball, sending it over the net. Kageyama quickly dived and kept the ball in the air.

“It’s up! Nice, Kageyama!” Tanaka said.

“Nice cover!” Nishinoya added.

And since Kageyama touched the ball already. It was Daichi who bumped the ball into the air, “All right! Get the last ball!” then he saw that it was off, “Sorry! It’s short!”

“Asahi!” Suga called out.

Yamaguchi cupped his mouth, “Get the last!”

“Right!” with his eyes on the ball, Asahi started running to the net and jumped.

“Huh?” Aoyuki became confused when she saw Hinata jumped as well, resulting in a nasty collision between him and the third year spiker. Asahi managed to stay on his feet, stumbling a little, but Hinata landed harshly on his back.

Silence reigned, save for the ball that fell in the air and bounced on the floor. Aoyuki was the first to snap from the shock. Her eyes widened in horror, worry flowing through her like a tidal wave, “Shoyo!”

Then the others snapped back to reality as well.

Asahi started shaking, his face turning purple in dread and horror, “U-U-U-U-Uh... Wh-wh-wh-wh---”

“I’m sorry!” Hinata popped to sitting, proceeding to bow, with his ass in the air. “I was just staring at the ball! I’m sorry! Are you okay? I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”

Asahi tried consoling the tangerine head. “I-i’m perfectly fine.”

“Hey, be careful.” Tanaka shifted on his feet, sweat dropping as he smiled.

“No matter what, Shoyo’s gonna be the one that goes flying.” Nishinoya did as well, looking uneasy but tried covering it with a smile.

“Pay attentions to your surroundings, you moron! Why do you think everyone’s calling for the ball, you idiot?!” Ukai scolded Hinata, eyes turning white comically.

Then in goes Kageyama, “Boke! Hinata Boke!”

And just like that, the tension went away, but there’s still remaining that lingered. Aoyuki released a sigh of relief, smacking her forehead.

It looked like Hinata acted subconsciously back then. Ukai thought, his face serious.

“I’m not really sure if it’s just me, or it’s just that it looked like Shoyo was trying to take the toss from Azumane-san.” Aoyuki mumbled thoughtfully, gaining Ukai’s attention. He didn’t say anything, but it was the exact same thought going on inside his head.

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