Their Kouhai »» 54

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Aoyuki gritted her teeth in annoyance and smacked the ball that Akaashi tossed to her, only to be blocked effortlessly by Kuroo.

“Come on, Yuki-chan! Smash it as if you mean it!” Bokuto’s loud voice echoed around the gym as he put his hands on his hips.

Aoyuki felt a vein throbbing somewhere in her forehead as she looked at Bokuto. “I’m not really sure how spiking works, senpai, but I think every beginner should at least have a few experience spiking without a blocker before having one to block them!” by the time Aoyuki’s words were finished, she was positive she was shouting.

“Kamiyui-san is right, Bokuto-san. You should at least let her get some spikes in before having Kuroo-san block her.” Akaashi said, and Aoyuki raised her hand at him as if saying, ‘Thank you! Someone finally understands!’

“I gotta agree with Ribbon-chan. You know I kinda feel bad blocking her when she’s just a beginner.” Kuroo put one hand on his hip.

You see, ever since the four arrived here in the third gymnasium, it was Bokuto's turn in teaching Aoyuki and he immediately had Aoyuki spike,  with the help of Akaashi who's setting for her and Kuroo blocking. And not even once did she get to succesfully get past the Nekoma captain’s block, irritating and frustrating Aoyuki.

“Is that how it works?” Bokuto scratched his head, looking totally clueless.

Aoyuki deadpanned, “Please don’t take someone under your wing if you have no idea how to teach them.”

Bokuto only laughed heartily at this, swatting his hand at Aoyuki’s direction which didn’t changed her exasperated expression. She turned to Akaashi with a helpless look in her eyes, thankfully the second year setter immediately caught on.

“For now, let’s just have Kamiyui-san get some spikes in without Kuroo-san blocking her.” Akaashi suggested, and Bokuto pointed at him.

“Yes! Yes let’s do exactly that!”

Aoyuki deadpanned once again. Just who is supposed to be my mentor?

And so, Bokuto and Kuroo watched on the sides as Akaashi and Aoyuki take over the court, with the former setting her balls and the latter spiking them. This time, Aoyuki started getting the hang of spiking, and actually starting to enjoy it once seeing the ball that she spikes getting past the net and down the floor with a BAAM. It wasn't really fun spiking when all of her spikes kept getting blocked by Kuroo.

“Alright, let’s take a quick break Kamiyui-san.” Akaashi spoke once noticing how Aoyuki’s jump wasn’t at its peak, also she got a little bit slow and he figured that a quick break is what Aoyuki needs.

“Yeah, let’s...” Aoyuki nodded her head, swiping the sweat that collected in her chin with her wrist.

“Yosh! You’re getting pretty good Yuki-chan!” Bokuto flashed her a wide grin along with a two thumbs up.

Aoyuki sighed, “Not at all. I only looked like I got the hang of it because Akaashi-san’s sets were amazing.” She then smiled at the setter who smiled back, although Akaashi’s lips only curved upwards a little.

“I know right?! They’re really good!” Bokuto said as if he drank tons of energy drinks, looking at his setter with shining eyes. He was glad that even his Kouhai can see just how good Akaashi is when it comes to setting.

“Do you have any suggestion, Kamiyui-chan?” Akaashi walked up to Aoyuki, a bottle in his hand.

“Suggestion?” Aoyuki tilted her head, confused.

“Do you want me to adjust my sets so that you can hit them efficiently?”

Aoyuki lit up once understanding Akaashi, “Ah! To be honest, your sets are pretty good in itself, so I don’t think I have any complaints.”

Akaashi nodded his head, slightly impressed that Aoyuki would rather hit his tosses without making adjustments like have the ball tossed closer to the net, or a little bit higher, but no, she’d rather spike them just the way he sets them.

“Yosh! Let’s have Kuroo block Yuki-chan now!” Bokuto announced, clapping his hands excitedly once Aoyuki and Akaashi took a rest for five minutes.

“I don’t know if you’re making me spike just so you can see me be blocked by Kuroo-senpai.” Aoyuki can’t help but to deadpan.  She noticed that she's been deadpanning ever since Bokuto started teaching her.

Bokuto laughed, “Not at all! This way if you managed to thwart Kuroo’s blocks you’d be instantly better than the rest.”

Akaashi and Kuroo can’t help but to stare at the white and black haired Fukurodani captain.

“Damn, that must be the smartest thing I’ve ever hear you say bro.” Kuroo smirked, the surprise still evident in his face.

Akaashi nodded his head, taking a little while to recover from his shock. “Indeed.”

Bokuto puffed his chest, placing his hands on his hips and spreading his feet apart. “Of course! I wouldn’t want if Yuki-chan thinks that I’m a lame senpai!” and then he laughed that particularly loud laugh of his, throwing his head back. Akaashi and Kuroo deadpanned.

Aoyuki rubbed her chin in thought. Bokuto-senpai is right. Since Kuroo-senpai is really skilled when it comes to blocking, getting past his block would mean exactly what he said; I'll be better than the average spikers and it wouldn't be hard getting past average blockers.

“So it’s like a shortcut, huh.” She said to herself, and apparently the guys heard her. Bokuto snapped his fingers, pointing at her with a wide grin.

“YES! Exactly!”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Kuroo started rolling his shoulder, the corner of his lips tugging upward in a mocking smirk as he looked down Aoyuki, “But I gotta tell you, it’s gonna take a damn lot of spikes to get past me.”

Aoyuki faced Kuroo, meeting his eyes with determined ones as she smirked as well. “I’m well aware, senpai.”

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