Their Kouhai »» 61

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Aoyuki let out a heavy sigh as she collapsed down her already laid futon, face planted on white pillows. Yachi can’t help but to throw the exhausted girl beside her a worried glance, the other managers chatting with each other animatedly. Kiyoko was leisurely brushing her soft raven locks, her futon was laid beside Aoyuki’s.

“Aoyuki-chan, are you okay?” Yachi asked, furrowing her eyebrows in concern.

“Me? Oh, with Bokuto-senpai and Kuroo-senpai as my mentors?” Aoyuki lifted her head from being planted on the pillows and turn so that she was facing Yachi who’s eyes widened at the sight of her dead lavender eyes. “I’m real peachy.”

Yachi hesitated, glancing at Kiyoko helplessly. Thankfully, Kiyoko was already watching them silently, and so she saw the first year Karasuno manager looking at her for assistance.

Kiyoko put down her hairbrush and spoke. “Aoyuki-chan, aren’t you pushing yourself too much?”

The aforementioned girl sighed heavily once more, turning so that she was facing the ceiling. She stared at it. “I’m not. This is just what happens to athletes.”

“I understand that the Spring Tournament is just around the corner, and you want to give it your all to improve, but don’t forget that you’re just a human. You get tired too.” Kiyoko told her calmly. Just as Aoyuki opened her lips to reason out, Kiyoko cut her off immediately. “Don’t overdo it, you hear me?”

“All right, I’ll take a rest,” Yachi lightened up at this. “But only once we’re back in Miyagi. I can’t pass up this oportunity to train with a lot of strong guys from different schools. Who knows when will I be able to join a training camp full of strong players like this again.”

Kiyoko and Yachi met each others eyes, before sighing in defeat. They turned their attention back on Aoyuki who’s still staring unblinkingly at the ceiling above.

“Okay, we understand.”

Aoyuki finally broke her eyes from the ceiling and turned to Yachi, then to Kiyoko, both giving them a grateful grin. “Thank you, Yacchan, Shimizu-san.” The Karasuno managers returned her smile.

The three of them looked up when Erin, the manager from Ubugawa, stepped in front Yachi’s futon, grinning at the three girls.

“Come on, you three, we’re gonna play truth or dare!”

The three Karasuno girls blinked owlishly at the girl. It was Aoyuki who reacted first. “Eh? Right now?”

Kaori, one of the Fukurodani’s managers stepped beside Erin, hands on her hips. “Yeap! Since this is our last night together, we should do something fun as a memory!”

Aoyuki and the two Karasuno managers looked at each other, before shrugging their shoulders and standing up to go join the circle of girls waiting for them. The girls cheered once seeing them walking towards the group. Aoyuki can’t help but grin as she took a seat, Kiyoko and Yachi seating on her left and right.


“Yukie, truth or dare?” The girls asked once the tip of the bottle stopped, pointing towards Yukie’s direction.

“Truth.” She answered, lazily smiling at the girls and looking not a bit bothered by the questions the girls could ask her.

“The world is ending, you’re given one more chance to do something, what would that be?” Kiyoko asked, a small smile on her lips.

“I would eat every food I laid my eyes on until the world ends.” Yukie grinned, making the girls go ‘ehh’ at her answer. Kaori face palmed. “Of course you would.”

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