Their Kouhai »» 24

10.9K 371 32

A/n: Guys we've just hit 1K votes! You are the best and I love you allll~! Here's an update since I'm in good mood.



The mentioned girl halted in her steps, lightly biting down on the straw of her recently purchased orange juice box which she's holding with one hand, the other hand was inside her skirt pocket. Since it's still school time her long hair was down and her long black ribbon was nowhere to be found. Turning back to look for the source who called her, her face lit up in recognition as a smile slowly made its way into her lips.

"Shimizu-san!" Kiyoko stood in front of her, clutching papers close to her chest. Aoyuki tilted her head at the third year, a curious expression washing on her face, "What brings you in the first year floor?"

Kiyoko tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before answering, "Well, I'm looking for someone who still hasn't joined any clubs yet."

Aoyuki took her other hand that was inside her skirt pocket to take the paper Kiyoko's handing to her.

"Heeh? So you're looking for a new manager?"

"Hmm. Since us third years will be gone and graduate, I thought it would be best if there's already someone who would take care of you and the rest of the boys." Kiyoko answered.

Aoyuki lowered the paper as she stared at the third year's face, a sad look now on her face. "Wahh! Shimizu-san, don't say it like that!" Then she launched herself at the black haired beauty who fortunately caught her. Kiyoko chuckled at this and gently patted her head, smiling lightly. The students that are hanging out in the hallway couldn't help but to stare at the two females. They stared with awe and amazement at the sight of pretty girls interacting with each other.

"Woah, look. Kamiyui's hugging the pretty third year."

"Not surprised though. Since Kamiyui-chan is pretty, it's no surprise that she's friend with a pretty girl."

"Ahh, I feel contented just by watching them~!"

Aoyuki finally detached herself from Kiyoko, sniffing and wiping her nose.

"Sorry about that, Shimizu-san." She flashed her an embarrassed grin. Kiyoko shook her head.

"It's fine."

"Anyway, about the manager thing. I'm not really sure if this would help, but I think there's someone who's still club-less." Aoyuki stated, handing back the slightly crumpled paper to Kiyoko who took it.

"Really?" The third year seemed to perk up at the mention of this.

"Hm. She's also a first year, but I really don't know her name and what class she's in." Aoyuki then looked up, squinting her eyes as though trying to recall something, "She has short blonde hair, and a cutie! Wait, I think I heard her friends call her, Y--Yachan? Something like that." She looked back at Kiyoko and smiled sheepishly, "Sorry if that didn't help."

Kiyoko shook her head once more, smiling gratefully, though it was barely visible. "No, that really helped, Aoyuki-chan." She then held Aoyuki's hand and squeezed it lightly, "Thank you."

Aoyuki laughed, "Nah, don't mention it."

Kiyoko step back and turned her back on her, still looking at Aoyuki as she raised a hand, "Then, I'll be going now."

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