Their Kouhai »» 07

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Aoyuki dived into the floor, popping the ball back into the air.

"Nice receive!" The boys called behind her and she stood up.

"That's five successful receives." Kiyoko announced, looking at her notebook.

"All right. That's the whole rotation. Next, running!" Ukai announced.


Aoyuki was currently running besides the third years.

"Hinata! Don't yell unnecessarily! It'll sap your strength!" Daichi called out to Hinata who was making a lot of loud noises beside Kageyama.

"Oi! Where are you going!" Kageyama yelled at Hinata after the tangerine just sudden dashed out of sight.

Aoyuki sweat dropped as Daichi sighed in exasperation.

"I'll go after him." Aoyuki volunteered, speeding up and passing by Kageyama who was a little bit surprised. Before the third years could even stop her, the only thing they saw last were the ends of her ribbon right after she turned a corner, following Hinata's path. They sighed once more.

Aoyuki continued jogging around, the sun beating down on her warmly, making her milky white complexion glow. She sometimes slow down to take in the scenery in front of her, lowkey wishing that she has her cellphone on her to capture the scenery. Aoyuki turned a corner, before speeding up once she spotted a familiar mess of tangerine hair. She opened her mouth once she's one meter away from him.

"Hinata!" / "Kenma!"

She stopped. Aoyuki and the guy who called out at the same time as her stared at each other for quite some time, until Aoyuki was the first to break the eye contact.

She put a hand at Hinata who looked at her, his eyes shining.


"Mou Hinata. Don't just run away like that, Sawamura-san will be mad, you know?" Aoyuki shook her head, the ends of her black ribbon swishing with her head.

"Ah sorry! I just got carried away!" Hinata smiled widely, rubbing the back of his head.

"See you soon, Shoyo." The two of them looked in front of them, only to see a guy with pudding like hair waving at Shoyo. The other tall guy on the other hand was once more staring at Aoyuki who returned the look, not backing down. He smirked, which pulled Aoyuki's lips into a frown.

He turned to the pudding guy, "Don't go wandering off by yourself."


"We're strangers to this place. You have to be careful."

"See you...soon?" Aoyuki looked at Hinata who mumbled. She was about to question him when someone called them.

"There you two are!" They turned around and saw Suga.

As they were jogging back, Suga broke the comfortable silence.

"Hinata, you go all out in every practice, do you?"

"Yes. But I still need lots more of training. It makes me mad I'm treated as a set with Kageyama, and not as a full-fledged individual." Hinata continued, "Regardless, I want to play in the match. I want to stand on the court."

Hinata and Aoyuki stopped once they heard the third year's footsteps halt, they looked back at him only to see him smiling.

"Me too. I want to stand in the court, too. So, I'm going to fight my own battles, my way." Then he started running, passing by them.

"Let's go, or we'll be late for lunch." He told them.

The first years looked at each other, before running after Suga.

The trio continued running, and this time, Aoyuki was beside Suga, Hinata in front of them.

"Its not wrong." Aoyuki suddenly spoke up, causing the platinum hared silver to look at her, a little bit surprised and confused.


"The feeling of wanting to stand on the court even if you're not a regular anymore. It's not wrong..." Aoyuki told him, still looking ahead, she continued when Suga was silent, "Wanting to fight alongside your friends isn't wrong. It's not selfish to think that way...I may be new to volleyball, but I think feeling that way isn't wrong."

Aoyuki glanced up at her upperclassman, the sun giving her eyes a new shade as the setter felt awed at the image before his eyes.

"I'm... I'm not really good in giving advice, but what I'm trying to say is, do your best Sugawara-san, even if you're not a regular anymore, that shouldn't stop you from doing your best." Aoyuki flashed him a small smile, "There would be times where you could enter the court, make the best out of it and be sure to give your 120 percent."

And with that, she sped up, jogging beside Hinata as they started to converse animatedly while still jogging, leaving the former setter deep in thought.


Sorry for the short chapter~!!

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