Red: 20 |4| White: 23
Aoyuki bent her knees down to receive the ball from the red team.
"Nice receive!"
Kageyama raised his arms as Hinata started running to the net, Asahi and Tsukishima preparing to block him. As Kageyama jumped, he tossed the ball to Tanaka instead.
"All right! Here I go!"
He jumped and spiked the ball past Yamaguchi's attempt of blocking him. Ennoshita failed to save it, falling down on his butt instead.
"Yeah!" Tanaka pumped his fists. He then turned to Hinata and high-fived each other.
The buzz cut wing spiker turned to Kageyama, smirking. The first year setter step back, awkwardly raising both of his hands. Tanaka smacked his hands on Kageyama's who looked unsure.
"Get used to it!" Tanaka smirked at Kageyama's conflicted expression.
Ukai blew his whistle.
"Daichi-san, nice serve!" Tanaka called out to their captain who's on the very back, holding a volleyball.
Daichi served the ball, Nishinoya received,
"Got it!"
Asahi turned to Suga and raised his hand, calling for the ball,
Suga raised his arms as Tsukishima started running to the net attempting to lure blockers. Suga tossed the ball a little bit higher than usual--knowing that Asahi hit the best when it's higher. Asahi ran to the net and spiked the ball, grunting.
The ball bounced off Kageyama's hand, the ball flying to the back line. Narita managed to receive it though poorly, fortunately Aoyuki was quick to follow up and directed the ball to Daichi who bumped the ball over the net.
"Chance ball!" Nishinoya announced.
Ennoshita took a few steps back, "Got it!" Tossing the ball towards Tsukishima who has his eyes following after the ball. Hinata and Kageyama jumped the moment Tsukishima jumped to spike the ball, swinging his arm to spike. However, a second before his hand spikes the ball, his spike turned into a feint.
Aoyuki could only stare at the ball as it fall right in front of her. She could have saved it if it weren't for a certain memory from the match yesterday popped in her mind, making her freeze in her spot.
Aoyuki blinked as Daichi dived, attempting to save the ball but failed.
"It's funny how you keep falling for that." Tsukishima adjusted his glasses, the end of his lips tugging upward ever so slightly as he looked at the freak duo in front of him, the net between them.
A vein popped in Kageyama's head, "What'd you say?!"
Suga smiled, closing his eyes, "Now, now..."
Yamaguchi bounced the ball to the floor, letting out a deep exhale as he stared forward, raising the ball up to his chin.
"Nice serve!" Ennoshita called out.
Yamaguchi served a normal serve which went over the net smoothly, however Daichi had no problem receiving it. Tanaka and Hinata started running towards the net as Kageyama prepared to set the ball to his chosen spiker. Hinata and Tanaka changed positions in the last moment, the ball was tossed towards Tanaka who slammed the ball to the red team's side. Nishinoya swooped in, ball bouncing off his stretched right arm, before tumbling on the floor and managing to stop in a crouched position, grinning smugly at Tanaka.

Their Kouhai [A Haikyuu!! Fanfiction]
Fiksi Penggemar"Looks like everyone wants to be my senpai~!" Karasuno owns her, yet other schools were fighting for her. Can a black flimsy jacket and a group of twelve volleyboys could really ward the others off of everyone's favorite kouhai? ⭐★⭐★⭐★ DISCLAIMER:...