A/n: Are ya seri-ohs?!?!? 100k reads?! AAAAAAAHJGKJXJJ--!!
Gimme a moment to cry.
Hi! Let's start again! *clears throat*
Oh em gee guys! I can't believe that this story reached a hundred thousand reads! I wasn't expecting this at all! Maybe I reached 100k reads because I update at a snail's speed, but still! BUT STILL! I don't know what you guys see in this story, really. But I really AM thankful! To each and one of you!
*pouts*Now it's starting to make me feel bad that I barely update this story anymore.
***Aoyuki and the manager of Ubugawa Volleyball Club entered the gym, the latter accompanied Aoyuki on the room where all the girls are staying so that she could change out of her clothes and into a white T-shirt and black shorts. She bid Erin (A/n: not really sure if that was Ubugawa's manager's name is. Correct me if I'm wrong.) goodbye as she approached the Karasuno volleyboys.
"Aoyuki! You wanna play?" Nishinoya asked her once she stopped behind him. She shook her head in refusal as she looked down at him.
"No, senpai. You could have the first match. I'll be playing near the end of the day." Aoyuki told her. She could see that Nishinoya was about to object.
"You're here to train, and you can't do that with me subbing in instead of you."
"What about you? You're here to train as well, aren't you?" Nishinoya put his hands on his hips, tilting his head at her.
"Well, yeah. But you could always train me, senpai." Aoyuki flashed him a smile. Nishinoya stared at her for almost a minute, before suddenly clutching his heart as though he was in pain.
"S-senpai...?!" Aoyuki freaked out, not sure where to put her hands as she flailed around her mentor. The other members gave them an amused look.
"My heart! I've been attacked by my beloved kouhai....!" It's true. His heart was beating erratically and he resorted into covering it by joking around.
"Damn, your so lucky Noya!!" Tanaka screeched in envy. He really wanted to be called senpai too.
Their first match is against Fukurodani, a team where their captain looked like an owl. With mixed black and white spiky hair, owl-like golden eyes, and very loud voice.

Their Kouhai [A Haikyuu!! Fanfiction]
Fanfiction"Looks like everyone wants to be my senpai~!" Karasuno owns her, yet other schools were fighting for her. Can a black flimsy jacket and a group of twelve volleyboys could really ward the others off of everyone's favorite kouhai? ⭐★⭐★⭐★ DISCLAIMER:...