Their Kouhai »» 39

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"Now, is there something wrong with this sentence?" The English teacher turned to face her class, "Can someone point it out?" Eyes scanning students, they fell on the head of chestnut hair which were planted on the desk.

"Kamiyui-san, can you please tell me if there is wrong in the sentence."

Aoyuki jolted in her seat, knees banging on the desk. She yelped while some of her classmates, including Tsukishima, snickered while Yamaguchi send her a worried look.

"H-hai, Erina-sensei?" Aoyuki slowly stood up to her feet, hands griping the sides of her desk tightly.

The teacher, Erina, smacked her ruler on the board lightly. "Is there something wrong with the sentence?"

Aoyuki read the English passage, before pressing her lips into a thin line and answered, "Yes, there is."

"Can you correct it?" Erina grabbed a chalk and hand it towards Aoyuki who sighed deeply, but nodded her head nonetheless.

With slow but steady steps, Aoyuki took the chalk from Erina's hand and erased some parts of the sentence and corrected it. She then put the chalk back to its place and waked back to her seat, still with the slow pace which got Tsukishima raising his eyebrows and Yamaguchi scratching his cheek in concern. She ignored them and took a seat, exhaling once she was properly seated.

Erina read the newly constructed passage, before smiling in satisfaction.

"This is correct. Very good, Kamiyui-san."

To Aoyuki's surprise, the class erupted into claps and cheers.

"As expected of Aoyuki-chan!"

"How smart!"

Aoyuki smiled awkwardly, not really sure how to react. Well, its not like this is the first time her classmates acted this way whenever she participated in class. Still, she can't understand why they are acting this way.

I mean, it's not like I just answered a world-crisis question, I'm sure Tsukishima can also answer that. Even Tadashi. Once Erina managed to calm the class down and continued the lesson, Aoyuki put her arms on her desk and leaned her forehead on it, closing her eyes with a soft sigh.


"Let's go, Aoyuki-chan." Yamaguchi stood beside Aoyuki's desk. Tsukishima remained silent behind Yamaguchi, just watching Aoyuki.

She zipped her own bag close, before slowly pushing the chair away from the desk and standing up. She faced Yamaguchi with an apologetic look on her face.

"Gomene, Tadashi. But I can't join you today."

Her freckled friend tilted his head in confusion, "Huh? You aren't going to eat?"

"I'm gonna practice with the girls for now. Ever since the Inter high, I don't think I've been practicing with them as frequent as I should've been." Yamaguchi nodded his head in understanding, smiling lightly.

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