Their Kouhai »» 68

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A/n: okay, it's been what? Three months ever since I last updated this book? I apologize for that, and I do have my reasons of course. I did tell why I wasn't updating on my message board, so I expect some of you already know that. Anyways, it's been a really, really long time ever since I wrote, so I apologize of this chapter isn't good. I felt bad that I've been keeping you all waiting and I just knew that I have to update. That's all, and I really hope you enjoy this chapter. Btw, you might want to reread the previous chapter before this to refresh your memory.



Everyone snapped back to reality, and faster than lightning, Karasuno was already crowding in on the unmoving body of Aoyuki.

Bokuto can only stare, as if the reality hadn't sunk in yet. His body and mind going blank.

"Holy shit.." Akinori ran a hand through his hair as he stared at the body crowding in on Aoyuki. And just like that, the Fukurodani joined Karasuno.


Bokuto jerked when he felt a warm hand land on his shoulder. He turned to look, and he was greeted by Akaashi who looked like he was gauging Bokuto's reaction.

"Akaashi...." Slowly, the reality started to sink in. Akaashi could see Bokuto's eyes start turning teary. "I...that was...."

"Bokuto-san, we know. It was an accident." Came Akaashi's reassuring steady voice, and it was effective in calming down Bokuto a little. "Let's go."

And with that, they went to join Karasuno and Fukurodani. There they saw Kiyoko and the two managers of Fukurodani taking a look at Aoyuki, slightly tapping her cheeks to see if she would respond. Bokuto watched, everyone could see the regret and guilt in his eyes and they couldn't help but to feel sorry for him.

"Aoyuki-chan..." Kiyoko once again tried tapping Aoyuki's cheeks, and everyone watched as her eyebrows twitched for a moment, forehead creasing, as if she was forcing herself to wake up.

Everyone sighed in relief when her eyes fluttered open, lavender eyes peering up at them.

"Are you okay, Aoki? Are you in pain?" Ukai went down on one knee and faced Aoyuki as Kiyoko, Kaori and Yukie slowly assisted Aoyuki to sit up.

Aoyuki lifted a hand to her face, hissing when she felt the side of her face throb in pain. She put her hand away from her face, " face hurt....."

"That was quite the spike you took." Said the Fukurodani's coach, and everyone could sense that he was apologetic on Bokuto's behalf. He then gave Bokuto a look, who slowly came forward, shoulders slouched and looking hesitant, as if he was scared that he'd hurt Aoyuki again.


Aoyuki slowly looked up to him, her face still burning and throbbing.

"I'm really sorry! I-i didn't mean to! I was just so excited to spike that I got carried away!" Bokuto bowed, closing his eyes shut, his voice echoing around the now silent gym because of how loud he said those words. And every human with ears could hear just how regretful and sincere he is, almost sounding like he want to beat himself up for hurting her.

"I-it'sh fine, Bokuto-shenpai..." Aoyuki spoke weirdly which was the result of the side of her face being in pain. Her mouth tasted funny.

"Can you stand up, Aoyuki-chan?" Kiyoko asked her gently.

There was a moment of silence from Aoyuki, before she slightly nodded her head yes. And so the three managers assisted her in standing up, with everyone backing away to give them some space. The Karasuno guys wanted to be the one to help her, but all they could do was watch as the managers already had this under control.

"What happened to koneko-chan?" Nekomata suddenly asked, apparently he walked away from the now continuing practice match against Nekoma and Shinzen to get ahold of what happened.

"Ah, Bokuto-kun spiked at Aoyuki-chan's face." Takeda answered the Nekoma coach, before adding, "It was an accident."

"How awful. Is koneko-chan alright?" Nekomata asked again.

"I think so.." takeda answered, trailing off at the end as they watched Aoyuki being assisted by the managers to stand up. When she was fully up on her feet, everyone let out a sigh of relief once more.

"Kiyoko, bring Aoki to the clinic." Ukai told Kiyoko, a serious tone in his voice.

"I'm fine, Ukai-than..." Aoyuki mumbled, her voice barely audible for some unknown reason.

"Yea right. Then why can't you speak 's' properly?" Ukai challenged, raising a brow.

Everyone watched as Aoyuki pressed her lips together, as if concealing something inside her mouth. When she unpressed her lips, they looked a little bit more.... redder.

"Is that blood..?" Nishinoya felt his stomach drop at the sight of blood on his kouhai's lips. Suga not being able to stop himself from worrying over Aoyuki.

"Her mouth is bleeding!" Hinata can't help but to cover his mouth in shock.

"This is nothi--" Aoyuki had to stop herself from speaking, the accumulated blood on her mouth is getting too much. If she spoke even more the blood that she was trying to hide from everyone inside her mouth might spill. Yes, disgusting, but she knew the moment they saw it, they'd freak out.

And then everyone's eyes trailed after the red liquid that slowly dripped from Aoyuki's nose. Aoyuki touched underneath her nose, and when she took a look at it, she cursed silently at the sight of blood. She felt her head started spinning, stumbling and almost falling down the floor had it not been for Kiyoko still having her arms supporting Aoyuki.

"Take her to the infirmary, now!" Ukai looked at the Karasuno guys, and it was Asahi and Daichi who moved, being the only ones big enough to be able to carry Aoyuki. Daichi realized that Asahi would be able to carry Aoyuki much better since he is much taller than him, so he stopped and let Asahi carry the already lightheaded Aoyuki.

Asahi didn't hesitate to hook his arms around Aoyuki's knees and shoulder, and with one strong movement, he carried Aoyuki in his arms like a bride. Aoyuki remained silent, until her eyelids dropped down shut, her head falling limp against Asahi's hard chest.

Asahi's grip on Aoyuki tightened a little bit, securing his grip on her and making sure that she won't fall. Having her body against him made Asahi realize how small Aoyuki is compared to him. He had never felt such strong urge to protect someone as he held her body closer to his.

And with that, Asahi hurried to the infirmary, making sure to walk steadily so that he won't jostle Aoyuki even though she was passed out. The entire Karasuno was quick to follow behind their ace, everyone having the look of worry and concern in their face. Yes, even Tsukishima, but his expression was the less evident among everyone, however, it's still there if one would look really closely.

Bokuto made a move to follow after the group, but Akaashi held him back.

"Akaashi! I wanna go too! I want to look after Aoyuki-chan!" Bokuto shrugged Akaashi's hand from his shoulder, looking desperate and teary eyed.

"You'll just make yourself feel even more guilty if you see Aoyuki, Bokuto-san."


"Give it time. We'll visit her later."

Bokuto fell silent. It was true, looking at Aoyuki made him guilty as heck. But he still wanted to go because he was the one who did this to her, and because he's worried and remorseful as heck. However, Akaashi is right too.

The Fukurodani's coach approached Bokuto and patted his shoulder firmly, "Don't worry, no one blames you." And then he continued walking past Bokuto.
The entire Fukurodani team also patted Bokuto's shoulder as they passed by him, with the managers reassuringly squeezing his shoulder and whispering, "She's gonna be fine." to him.

It did bring him a little comfort, but the fact that his kouhai was bleeding because of him still made him angry at himself.

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