Their Kouhai »» 01

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"Nice to meet you all, I'm Kamiyui Aoyuki." I took a bow, straightening my form and giving the class a small smile. Some of them returned my smile, some minded their own business and some just doesn't care.

"Kamiyui-san, you could go and seat in front of Tsukishima-san. Please raise your hand, Tsukishima-san." The teacher looked across from the room, and I followed her line of sight.

A blonde guy with glasses raises his hand, looking indifferent while gazing at me.

I gave a quiet thank you to the teacher before walking towards the seat in front of the guy, Tsukishima-san. I noticed this one guy beside him, he has dark green hair and freckles. His cheeks tinted pink once he saw that I caught him staring, I only gave him a smile before taking a seat, gently fishing for school equipments in my bag so that I could start listening into the class, just like what everyone's doing.

As the class progresses, my mind started wandering around, with the tip of my pencil tapping softly down on my notebook.

They must be wondering why I'm late, well today is the second week of the start of school, and I'm pretty late.

The reason is... There's actually no reason. Just kidding, I actually took several entrance exams and I was conflicted where school to enter once I found out that I passed them all. I mean, I had a chance to study in Shiratorizawa, Aoba Johsai, and Johzenji, but here I am, in Karasuno. Well I really wanted to go to Shiratorizawa, but I know that studies in that academy is spartan level, so that's a no. Well i could probably endure that, but i don't want to study harder, I'm content with the pace of my study right now. Aoba Johsai, I wanted to study there too, but I feel like... The students in there isn't so nice and welcoming. Then there's Johzenji... Which I'm not really fond of. So here I am, stuck in Karasuno. Basically, I took six entrance exam all over Japan, yup.

Well, Karasuno isn't that bad, really. The school was fairly small compared to Shiratorizawa, plain compared to Aoba Johsai, and unpopular compared to Johzenji, but I'm really satisfied with Karasuno's simplicity. 


I quickly snapped back into reality after hearing sensei's voice calling my name. I immediately stood up, sweating slightly in nervousness.

"Y-yes, sensei?"

"Are you with us?" She asked, sounding a bit impatient but still polite. I heard a snicker behind me, probably from the blonde megane who was sitting behind.

"Yes ma'am." I answered, the nervousness earlier vanished as my voice steadied.

"Is that so? Would you please read the passage?" She tested, I looked down into my open book and I sweat dropped.

I have no idea which passage.

A movement caught my eyes, and it was coming from a student behind me, but I could still see them without needing to turn back or look at him directly, I could perfectly see what they're trying to indicate. Their finger pointed on a certain passage in their book, before giving me a shy nod. I nod back subtly, grateful at the student. I started reading the passage, which was in English, by the way.

"Thank you, Kamiyui-san." Sensei seemed pleased as she gave me a smile and nod. I took a seat and glanced at the boy who helped me out.

"Thanks." I mouthed at him, before flashing him a grateful smile. His eyes widened and he blushed, before averting his eyes away from me and nodding his head.

I quietly chuckled and looked down at my book, what a cute boy.

Lunch came and some of my classmates gathered around my desk, which confused me at first.

"Waahh Kamiyui-san! You speak English so fluently!"

"Yeah! Are you perhaps from America?"

"That's so cool!"

I answered all of them, keeping a smile glued into my face. It was nothing really. I just read the sentence like a normal person. In the midst of their interrogation, my eyes caught the sight of the boy who helped me leaving the classroom.

"Excuse me." I flashed them an apologetic smile and went after the boy.

I found him beside a vending machine, currently choosing what to pick.

Before he could even enter a coin, I beat him to it. He looked at me, his eyes wide with surprise.

I giggled at his perplexed reaction,

"A thanks for your help earlier." I told him, now smiling softly.

He was gaping at me, and so I cleared my throat, which effectively snapped him back to reality, cheeks burning a red hue.

"I-i can't do that! It's your money!" He flailed his arms around in a panicked and flustered manner, which I only found cute.

"No really. It's fine." I assured, and he seemed to be contemplating, before sighing and giving up. After all, there's nothing much he could do.

"T-thanks for this, K-kamiyui-san..." He scratched his cheek, looking anywhere but my direction.

I put my hand behind my back,  starting to walk towards our room leisurely, he immediately followed behind me.

"It's nothing. If anything else, I should be the one who's thanking you, uhhh..." I was suddenly loss for words. What's his name??


"I'm sorry. I haven't asked your name yet, have I?" I smiled sheepishly, and his mouth turned into 'o' while nodding in understanding.

"I-i'm Y-yamaguchi Tadashi." He introduced shyly.

I stopped since we're in front of our room now. I turned to face him, smiling as I stuck my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Yamaguchi-san. I'm Kamiyui Aoyuki, but you can call me Aoyuki."

A-Aoyuki?! First name basis already?! Poor Yamaguchi about to blow his top, but nonetheless he was glad, for some unknown reason.

"Then you c-can call me T-tadashi, Aoyuki!" He was stuttering as hell.

"Okay, Tadashi!" I grinned at him and entered the room. Leaving the heavily blushing, flustered boy outside the room.

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