It wasn't long before the practice came to an end, the sky turned dark and very little stars could be seen, though it didn't look like it will rain.
Aoyuki went to the room where she and the managers are staying to change clothes. She changed into a fresh white T-shirt and black jogging pants. She left her wavy hair down but kept her ribbon in her pocket just in case she would need to tie her hair up.
While on her way back, the hallways were dark and so she hadn't seen the figure which suddenly stepped out of a room and bumped into it.
"Ouch!" She stumbled a little, while the figure didn't even moved one bit. Once catching herself, she looked up, hand on her nose.
Light lavender eyes connected with teal blue eyes. She blinked, recognizing the owner of the eyes. It was the new Nekoma guy, the one who spikes as if his arm was a whip.
He was staring down at her with a curious look in his teal eyes.
"Sorry." Aoyuki managed to squeak, stepped to the left stiffly so that she won't bump into him again, and started walking like a soldier.
She'd be lying to herself if she said that she wasn't intimidated by they guy's overwhelming height. He looked like a freaking titan to her!
Now don't get her wrong. Aoyuki's not short, neither tall, just average. But still, this guy's height is kinda making her feel as if she's just a mere bug in the ground. Then she thought, If this guy is already making me feel so small, I wonder what Hinata and Noya-senpai would feel...?
She was broken out of her thoughts when she heard another footsteps aside from hers, so she looked back and saw the new guy trailing after her, teal eyes still attached to her and the curious gleam never left.
Aoyuki flashed him a small, quick, and forced polite smile and turned her head to focus on walking again.
She could totally feel his eyes on the back of her head, drilling holes and making it tingle, and it's making her feel uncomfortable and awkward as hell!
Patience finally running out, Aoyuki whipped and faced the guy who looked a little bit surprised by her turning so suddenly, he almost bump into her but luckily stopped it from happening. Aoyuki opened her lips to give him a piece of her uncomfortable mind, but the guy beat her to it.
"I'm Haiba Lev. You're Kamiyui Aoyuki, right?"
Aoyuki faltered, annoyance fizzing out and was replaced with alertness and more uncomfortableness.
His did this guy know my name? What a creep...! Aoyuki racked her brains for some kung fu moves she think she could execute should this tall, creepy guy decided to do something funny to her. Since she's in the perfect height, she'd definitely kick his no-no part.
"Yes...that's me." Aoyuki said warily, taking a step back. "How did you know?"
On the outside, Aoyuki only looked cautious and wary but on the inside? The gears in her head are turning and whirring for a way to escape if this guy tried something funny.
I have no weapon on me. But I have my ribbon...yeah... I could just wrap it around his neck and strangle him with it! Aoyuki nodded her head internally, determined. She seemed to forget that this guy is taller than Tsukishima, the tallest of the Karasuno volleyboys, and that she can only wrap the ribbon around his neck if he crouched down or bowed his head willingly. But we all know that there's a snowball of a chance in hell that the guy would just bow his head and let the overly paranoid girl strangle him.

Their Kouhai [A Haikyuu!! Fanfiction]
Fanfiction"Looks like everyone wants to be my senpai~!" Karasuno owns her, yet other schools were fighting for her. Can a black flimsy jacket and a group of twelve volleyboys could really ward the others off of everyone's favorite kouhai? ⭐★⭐★⭐★ DISCLAIMER:...