Chapter One

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Edited: 3/21/15
Re-Edited: 01/18/18

Chapter One

All my life I have been taught to kill all supernatural creatures; specifically, werewolves. I am a hunter, but I wasn't always one.

It started when I was in sixth grade, an eleven years old girl who was clueless about the world and what it beheld. Everything going on around me blurred before my eyes without much explanation. I was sitting in my bed, throwing a ball around in the air as a form of distraction. I could hear my parents arguing in their room like they did every night. They shut their door so I couldn't hear what their conversations were about; me. They were always arguing over me, what they should do with me or how they couldn't protect me against the world or whatever that meant. Sometimes, I felt like they never wanted a child. Then why bother going through nine months of pregnancy to give birth if you didn't want to raise another life, right? I didn't know why they bothered to keep me. It was clear to see I wasn't the right child for them because if I was, they wouldn't have as many arguments. I was sick of it, the restless night I stayed awake because of their endless screaming. In a way, I felt rejected because of this.

"We have to send her away if we keep going on like this. It's not a safe environment for her." I heard my mom say from the room below me. The same thing said every night, but it never seemed to register in my dad's mind. It went in one ear and out the other every single time as though it seemed. My mother would have a better chance at getting a wall to talk than getting my dad to listen. Despite everything, I think he wanted me to stay home. For me to continue to be daddy's little girl. If I didn't have to leave, I was more than happy to be his little girl. "Plus, they're looking for us, Gerald! It wouldn't be long before they find us. She will be in danger when that moment comes."

I never understood who they were. In my mind, I pretended that whoever they were, were my favorite TV show crushes. I didn't understand why I needed protection. In my mind, I didn't believe I was in any harm.

I don't know what happened after that, but I know I heard my dad leave the room. I heard footsteps approaching my door, but I didn't want to go wherever they were going to sending me. I knew whatever my mom said or did finally convinced my dad to send me away. It was the only logical reason for someone to even come to my room this late at night. Just because I was eleven didn't mean I was an idiot; I knew what this meant for me. I hopped off of my bed and climbed out of the window. Even with my room on the second floor, I knew I could make it. It wouldn't hurt me to jump. I ran into the woods as far away as I could get from the house. I heard my dad shouting; but by then, I was too far away. It was better for me in the woods than in some random person's house. I could take care of myself until I was old enough to do so legally. I was a survivor.

I stopped and realized I was alone. I was on the verge of crying like any other eleven year old girl. I had never been so alone. I wasn't prepared for this life, but I had to accept the loneliness that came with it. The little hope that I could maybe be like Snow White, gave me enough motivation to stay strong. It was the only way I would survive. No one, especially not my parents, was watching over me. It was me and only me.

I heard some leaves crumbling beneath someone or something's feet. I glanced around, trying to figure out what was nearby. I was on high alert. I didn't want to be back with my parents if they had found me. I also didn't want to become some wild animal's next meal. My heart beat quickened. It was beating against my chest so hard that I was losing my breath. I felt like I would collapse at any moment. My lungs were constricting, making it almost impossible to get air. I would be on the brink of death if I didn't get help.

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