Chapter Three

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Edited: 3/21/15
Re-Edited: 01/19/18

Chapter Three

       "Wake up!" I felt ice cold water dripping through my blankets onto me. I leaned up to see Seth holding an empty bucket. "Time for school."

       "What the hell, Seth?"

       "I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to wake you up for the past five minutes." He threw a towel at me, "Get up, eat, get ready for school, take my car, come home and we'll go hunting. Sounds good?"

       I nodded, "Great. Get ready." He slammed the door on his way out. I spotted the keys to his mustang on my desk. I put on a pair of grey sweatpants and a white shirt. I put my hair in a messy bun before sliding my feet inside of my Nikes.

       I got in Seth's car and started the engine. I would've taken my car if I hadn't gotten in an accident while hunting a vampire. I pulled into my new school a while later. The parking lot was crowded and so was the inside of the school.

       Seth had gotten my schedule earlier, so I only had to find my classes and locker. My first teacher, Sandy Peepi, was at the end of the top floor hallway. When I entered her classroom, I felt all eyes land on me.

       I waved at everyone, blushing, "Hi." I offer finding my way to an empty seat at the back of the class. I noticed some hunters, from some meetings Seth attended from time to time, there. They probably recognized me although we haven't interacted before.

      "I'm Jefferson. You're Seth's daughter, right? Allison?" He gestured to the small circle around us, "We're hunters too."

      The teacher picked up the piece of chalk and continued writing on the board. I was in math honors now. I looked at the schedule to figure out how to pronounce the teacher's name. "It's Peepi like when you have to go to the bathroom." An unfamiliar voice entered the picture. I adjusted in my seat to get a peek at the boy whom spoke to me. He wasn't ugly at all if I were to be honest.

       I looked at the other hunters who were glaring at the boy. "We don't talk to your kind so don't talk to our kind." I looked between Jefferson and the boy who had just spoken to me earlier.

       "What is he?" I asked Jefferson.

       "He's a werewolf." I glared at the boy. He scowled at Jefferson. "Carson knows that."

       "What are you?"

       "He told you already." The werewolf, Carson, said.

       "No shit Sherlock. I mean what position are you?"

       "I'm the beta."

       I didn't know much about werewolves since I've never dealt with one, but I thought they changed their title at the age of eighteen.

       "Only the Alpha's title change at eighteen." I looked at him, confused. "I can read your mind. You're like an open book."

       The hunters looked at me like I was crazy. "What are you doing talking to him?"

       "I've never seen a werewolf up close and personal before. My dad hunts them, but I'm learning to tell the attacks apart from other supernatural beings. We're working on one we saw this—" I looked around to see most eyes on me. I turned to Jefferson getting the feeling that what I was so close to sharing was confidential, "That's not important. But the last time I checked, I had freedom of speech. If you didn't know, that means I am free to speak to whomever I want. Hunter, supernatural or not."

       Carson looked impressed. He gave me a heart-warming smile. "But I hunt your kind, so I'll rip your spine out of your body if I catch you outside of school."

       The smile that was once on his face was replaced by a deadly glare. I adjusted myself in my chair. After class, the teacher and I had a little chat. She handed me a piece of papers, "The hunters are meeting up after school to hunt down the wolf that killed that girl. If you want to, you can catch a ride with me."

       She gave me a fake smile. I smiled back at her and exited the class. I looked on my schedule for my next class. Protective defense. I'm assuming that class teaches students how to fight.

       I walked inside the gym and immediately spotted Jefferson and Carson, standing on opposite sides of the room. Jefferson was talking to a group of hunters. Carson was talking to wolves. He looked at me and turned away. I approached Jefferson and his group, and they greeted me.

       We talked a little more before the coach stood up. "Carson Greek and Jefferson Darley on the mat."

       Jefferson popped his knuckles and neck before heading on the mat. "Here goes nothing."

       Carson was on the other side of the mat, stretching his muscles. He, then, popped his knuckles also, "I'm ready coach."

       "Alright, the rules. No crying. Learn how to protect yourself and fight back. Dodge." The coach stepped back and let the boys begin.

       Carson was smiling at Jefferson. Carson aimed to punch Jefferson in the face, but he dodged it and punched Carson in the stomach. Carson grabbed Jefferson's arm and flipped him on his back.

       I didn't realize that the coach had walked over to another mat. He pulled out a sheet of paper, "Allison Richard and Monica Tisdale."

       A girl stepped onto the mat with her dark brown hair down her back. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and held out her hand. I held out my hand too and she grabbed it. I knew it was a bad idea when she grinned and knocked me down. I kicked her, and she stumbled backwards. She gave me time to jump up and punch her in the jaw. I heard a growl erupt throughout the gym, but I ignored it. Monica straightened up and got into her fighting stance. She charged at me when I let my defense down. She knocked me down, and I received continuous blows to the face.

       The coach stepped up, "That's enough Tisdale." She continued to punch me, "Tisdale!" When I felt claws on my jaw, I brought my knee up. It connected with her stomach, which gave me time to punch her in her nose.

       She clutched her nose, "I think she knocked it out of place." Carson ran over to her side in an instance. He turned towards me and growled.

       I earned pats on the back from other hunters but deep inside, I felt as if I had already started a war with their kind.

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