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Austin's P.O.V.

I could hear the second heart beat. I didn't know if Allison knew or not, but I could hear it. If she knew, I was going to wait until she told me. But even as she took her time in the bathroom, I could hear the other heart beat besides hers. It has been three months since we completed the mating process, and I couldn't feel any closer to her than I did now. If I loved her this much now, I knew I would love the other one just as much.

She came out of the bathroom with a sigh, "So the beach with Monica and Carson?"

"Correct." I smiled, taking her hand in mine. I recognized the glow from her that could only come from someone expecting. I carried her, bridal style, to my car. She wore a big t-shirt with cut off shorts. She was showing slightly, she knew this, but I think she was in denial. I knew and majority of the pack knew we were expecting a baby soon. "Alena and Emmett want to tag along, also."

After Emmett accepted his father's death, he stayed outside until he finally mastered his ability. I was a little angry when I found a thousand dead animals on my land. The good thing was that I didn't have to find another dead human or anything else on my territory any longer.

We all took separate cars to the beach; however, we were following each other. Of course, I was in the front since I was there alpha. Upon arrival, Allison got out of the car and and approached the water. She didn't get in the water, but she went far enough that her feet were touching the water.

Carson was enjoying his time with Monica in the water. I decided to accept the fact that Monica and Allison were friends, and they were bound to run into trouble one way or another. Carson and I found a way to compromise. Alena was getting a tan. After her friend's death, we were all sure she got Bailey's powers. Emmett seemed to be flirting with every girl who gave him a little attention. I saw him get at least six numbers and ten kisses from girls. Apparently, Carter gave him some tips on how to get girls. I'd say it's working for him.

I wrapped my arm around Allison's stomach. Her belly button was out and touching my arm. It was my baby growing inside her, so I didn't mind. It actually made me feel like we were more of a family. I had someone to pass my title down to in eighteen years or more, depending. A true alpha. I didn't have to worry about my mate's disappearance, nor my son or daughter not accepting their title as alpha because of their mother's disappearance. I wouldn't allow Allison to be out of my sight long enough for her to disappear.

"I have something to tell you." Allison turned around within my hold. I knew what was coming next. I didn't have to read her thoughts to know what she was about to say. Lately, she hasn't been blocking her thoughts. It was purposely, and I knew she had fully accepted me. "I was in the bathroom for a long time for a reason." I wanted to make joke, but decided against it. She searched my eyes for something. I'm not sure what exactly. "Austin, I'm pregnant with our baby."

"Really?" I must admit, I'm not a good actor. "I know."


"Well, I have been hearing a second heartbeat for two months now. And, when your birthday came around, you ate a lot. Let's not go in to details with your vomiting and other things." I joked. She seemed to catch on and shoved me in the shoulder roughly. She still didn't know her own strength even though I warned her so many times. I think it was also the baby's strength as a wolf and maybe it had some abilities inherited from Allison.

"I love you." I leaned down to peck her on the lips. To my surprise, Allison deepened the kiss. She parted her lips, so my tongue could slip inside her mouth. I squeezed her side, tightening my hold on her.

"I just ate, and I'd rather keep my food inside long enough for it to digest." Alena scolded. We broke apart while Allison's cheeks flushed.

"You're just jealous, Alena."

"I'm not, Austin. I'd rather not see my sister kiss some boy in front of me."

"I'm not just some boy. I'm her mate." A smirk made its way on my face.

"Stop picking, Austin." Allison warned. Of course, I didn't listen.

"Your boyfriend, Freddy Krueger, is over there winking at you."

"I don't know him; furthermore, I don't go with anyone especially not Freddy Krueger."

"Right." I replied, sarcastically. "Because you'd rather date Jason without his mask."

I could tell I was getting to her, and I wasn't going to stop. At least not now. I jumped as I felt a slight sting on my hand. My skin turned a bright red and looked a bit damaged. I couldn't help but to smile at her. I couldn't ask for more than this big happy family I got. I kissed the top of Allison's forehead as we stared at the ocean. Beautiful, the view I got and my mate.

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