Chapter Ten

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Edited: 4/16/15

Instagram: myeshalashay121

Chapter Ten

       Many days have been spent alone since that day. Austin has been surprisingly distant. I would see him around the house, but never for a long time. So when I saw Austin on the couch, flipping through a magazine, I was determined to speak to him.

       "We need to talk."

       He closed the magazine to look at me, "About?"

       "Why are you avoiding me?" I asked the first question that came to mind. I'm positive I wouldn't even care to hear his answer if I wasn't his mate, but I was.

       "I'm not avoiding you."

       "Then what are you doing?" I was beyond frustrated at this very moment. I felt like I could pull out every string of my hair.

       "Call it," He put his hand on his chin, contemplating, "Giving you space, so you can relax that pretty little head of yours."

       I felt a blush creep up my neck and cover my cheeks. To get my mind off whatever I was feeling at the moment, I needed to hunt. The problem with that is someone took my weapons. "Do you know where my bow and arrow is?" Thinking about it, he would never tell me where it was. "Never mind. I'll find it."

       I needed someone who could tell anything. Someone who would tell where things were hidden. My mind led me to Beverley, but who would tell Beverley anything? Who would want to be in Beverley's presence? But she was the only person I could ask, so I had to find her. I only have to find out where she is.

       Monica knew where Beverley was when Jonathon needed her; she would more than likely know now. Since Austin started avoiding me, Monica was at the house more, not to mention Carson.

       I found them in the game room. Carson was sitting on the couch with Monica on his lap. Monica was texting, and Carson was playing the PlayStation. When Carson saw me, a growl escaped his throat.

       "What are you doing here?" He asked through gritted teeth.

       "I'm the alpha's mate."

       He rolled his eyes, "Don't remind me. But, sorry, he's not the alpha...yet."

      "You wouldn't want Austin to hear that, considering the tone you're taking to me with. There's no telling what he might do to you." There's nothing wrong with threatening someone. After all, he did deserve it. As I walked over to Monica, I called over my shoulder, "Better watch it, beta."

       "Again, why are you here?"

       I kneeled down in from of Monica. She glanced at me before returning her attention back to her phone. "Where is Beverley?"

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