Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Instagram: myeshalashay121

Chapter Twenty-Eight

I got out of the bed, ignoring the feeling between my legs. I felt even more connected to Austin now, like I could feel what he was feeling. Sneaking out the room, I closed the door softly behind me. After we were done with the mating process, Austin decided he wanted to close his eye. Not go to sleep, but close his eyes, so I'm not sure if I was technically considered sneaking out.

Along the way, I ran into Lena. Tears were streaming down her face, and I wanted to make sure she was going to be alright. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She wiped the tears from her face, "It's Emmett I'm worried about. He's taking all the blame and shutting us out."

"Where is he?" I thought he would be in the room where it happened. It would have made sense if he had stayed in there because he didn't have enough strength to leave. "Never mind."

I was about to walk off, but I was stopped. "Allison, Can I invite a friend over?"

She could use a friend to help her. She did lose her dad today, so I think Austin would let her have a friend here. "Sure."

I excused myself and went to Emmett's aid. That was my first time seeing him kill someone, although he did tell me that's why he didn't get close to anyone. When I found him, he was in the same position as before. Someone moved Gerald because he wasn't there anymore. Emmett looked like he went through hell and back, a reck.

"I underestimated him, you know?" Said Emmett as he lifted his head up.

Who was he talking about? What was he talking about? As far as I saw, no one was underestimated.

"Our dad." He paused to think about it, "My dad, Gerald. He could do more than send someone to hell. He could open up the gate to hell, releasing everything. Our reality would literally be hell on earth."

It took some time for this to sink in. His powers were creepy if not scary. Emmett controlled death, Alena controlled fire, and Gerald controlled hell basically. Their abilities all connect somehow in some people's beliefs. Some people believe when you die, you either go to heaven or hell, so I guess that's where death come in. When some people picture hell, they picture fire.

"I didn't mean to, but I was worked up. We hadn't argued in a while; this was our first time in months. I don't think I can ever move on." He admitted.

"You're still going to be able to fight this war?" Carter asked, kneeling beside me. I didn't notice when he entered the room with Carson. I thought they hated each other, or they were ordered to hang out. But, Austin was "resting his eyes" as people would put it.

"I just lost my dad!" Emmett exclaimed like a girl. "Do you want me to kill Austin, and you could see personally how bad it feels to have someone killed because of you? Trust me, I would do it. I almost did it before."

I glared at Emmett, touching his shoulder. I was filled with rage, thinking about him killing Austin. Then, my anger was focused on Carter. "You could wear gloves like the Elsa on frozen." I suggested. It was worth a shot.

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